D&W 44: Come With Me

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This story is getting long, but I'm not ready to finish it. I hope you guys aren't bored. . . On another note, Namjoon's character ended up being really annoying and that wasn't my intention, now I have to think up a reason why he's like that. . . but not a cliche one. . . Anyway, please enjoy this chap. Sorry it took so long 🙇🏽‍♀️


"You did what??" Namjoon craned his neck, befuddled as to how I could have possibly lost my virginity. He was treating this as if I'd confessed to stealing the Mona Lisa and reselling it for a carton of banana milk. 

"Joon, what's the big deal? It's just sex." Jin rolled his eyes. Namjoon huffed, stubbornly. 

"It isn't just sex, Jin. This is a big deal-" I cut him off. "You think I don't know that? It's not like I let him fuck me after two days. I waited until I was ready and we've been together for nearly six months." I argued. 

"That's not a long time." He retorted. I scoffed. "how long did it take you to sleep with Jin?" I questioned him, knowng he wouldn't have an argument after he answered me. Jin did it for him. "Two weeks." He said, smugly, snorting. HE was clearly on my side, which Joon didn't take too kindly to. "This is not the same situation." He grumbled. 

"Okay, and? Why are you so pressed about this? You can't turn back time. It already happened... a lot." I dared him to say another bad thing about Taehyung crossing my arms. He alread ykneew I was sick of him talking shit on my boyfriend, and I wasn't having it. Joon pursed his lips and remained quiet. 

"Nothing, huh?" I challenged him. He huffed. "You're just like your mother." meaning that I didn't take any shit, not anymore. It wasn't an insult, just a relization. "You could have at least told me." HE kept on. "I didn't even tell Junghyun because it's no one's business buy mine and Tae's." I argued, and I was right not to tell him because he was being irrational. It was as if he knew something I didn't, but how could he? Joon was quiet for a few seconds then he huffed again in defeat. "Was it alright at least? Was he respectful? Did he use protection?" He asked me. 

"Yes, it was amazing... yes, he was respectful, and no." I didn't have to answer that last part, but I wanted to see the flabbergasted expression on Joon's face. He raised his eyebrows. 

"That's irresponsible." He started before Jin put a hand on his shoulder. "Babe, seriously. Lay off. Jungkook is grown. He can handle himself." he interposed. 

"Yeah, I know what I'm doing." I cosigned, rolling my eyes. Namjoon wasn't buying it. "Does Yoongi know?" I nodded. "I told him first and he siad go for it. I wasn't even going to tell you, but Jin brought it up." 

"Only because Tae's walking around with a little pep in his step. You must have done something right." He snickered. Joon made a disturbed face. "Gross... and Yoongi's a traitor.

"Look, I'm not some crowned jewel that needs to be guarded."

Joon sighed. "I know, I'm just worried about you."

"Don't be. I'm fine. I'm so happy right now. Please don't ruin it."

"Okay, look Guk, I don't like Tae. I won't be able to get over that. Because you're family and I'm going to be concerned about you."

"Junghyun wasn't even this concerned when he found out we were dating." In fact, when I told my brother, he was more proud than concerned, even knowing Taehyung's history. 

"He doesn't know Tae, I do."

"You don't know him, Hyung and you really don't care to get to know him. No one does. You just want to pass judgemt"

"It's judgment based on evidence."

"What evidence?" I demanded. Joon was quiet, as if the answer pained him. I scoffed. "Look, whatever. You don't have to like him, but stop treating him like a walking STD. He deals with enough shit as it is." 

Dark and Wild *Taekook*On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara