D&W 23: I Can Take Care of Myself

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:) Double update. Don't forget to read part 1




Jungkook looked so pretty sitting across the table from me. His wavy bangs framed his eyes and hid them every so often. Whenever he couldn't see, or the strands began to tickle his eyelids, he would take one finger and move them away slightly so they rested on the outside of his eyebrows. The gesture was just so dainty and pretty. Speaking of dainty, his lips were a deep red from the spicy stew making me want to lick them.

Jungkook's lips were my favorite feature of his. He was gorgeous all over, but his lips were so soft and delicate. Whenever I kissed him, they pressed against mine and locked together like puzzle pieces. He was such a good kisser and I often wondered how he learned to make my knees weak with no prior knowledge. I couldn't believe the last time he was kissed was five years ago.

"Baby?" I beckoned for his attention. I waited for him to swallow his food before I asked my burning question because I knew he would choke from embarrassment. So cute. "Hmm?" He asked, looking up at me through his wavy black bangs.

"Are you sure you didn't kiss anyone after Wooyoung?" I asked him. As I suspected, he began to cough. "W-why are you asking me that?" He questioned, trying to catch his breath. "Because, you kiss like you've been doing it for years." I said, teasingly. Jungkook refused to look me in the eye now. I thought it was cute sometimes, but I also liked it when he was bold enough to look at me. I reached over the table and tilted his face toward me with my fingers. In response, his eyes darted downward past his nose avoiding my eyes. I chuckled.

"As far as I know. I didn't kiss anyone else." He muttered. His tone said annoyed, but the blush on his cheeks said flustered. "Well, it doesn't feel that way. Did you practice on your stuffed animals?" I knew that would get him to look at me. His jaw clenched and he looked up, glaring at me. I smirked. "No, asshole. . . I just... do what feels good. Can we please not talk about this here?" He grumbled, tilting his head down to glare at me through his bangs.

"You're right. We should talk about this in private, when you can provide me with examples." I said, narrowing my eyes lustfully at him. Jungkook blushed again and even from my side of the table, I could see his pupils dilate against the dark brown of his irises. He liked the sound of that.

"You're obsessed. Please shut up." He muttered, looking away from me. I giggled and leaned over to brush some hair out of his face. When he got like that, all sulky and embarrassed, I had to find some way to make him smile. "I'm serious, baby. With those lips, you'll never have to worry about me cheating on you." I said, lifting his chin again so he'd look at me, and brushed my thumb against his bottom lip, right on the mole that sat on the edge. When he gave me what I wanted, I smirked and earned a reluctant grin from him. I realized that Jungkook couldn't hide his emotions very well. If I smiled at him, he usually returned it unless he was irritated. This is how I knew he wasn't actually mad at me for teasing him.

Lately, Jungkook had become less and less tense around me. Last night, for example, he let me kiss his neck and I could tell he didn't entirely hate the hickey I left either. It was only slightly covered by the black, distressed denim jacket he wore. I could still see it peeking up under his T-shirt collar, right between his collarbone and his jugular vein.

I couldn't look at the fading purple mark without thinking about the way he laid so comfortably under me last night. Putting my knee between his thighs was a risk I wanted to take and he let me. After that, I thought maybe I would have to wait so long to have him completely. There was more to our relationship than eventually getting to have sex with him, but I'd be a liar if I said I didn't think about it every minute I was with him. He was just so attractive and I couldn't help the way my mind wandered.

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