D&W 32: Bye Babe

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Super long chapter up ahead. 



"Turn your head a little to the left, Hyung. . . Okay, now bring your leg up onto the ledge a little. We need to make you look as tall as possible. Those platform shoes can't do all the work." I said, snickering softly. Yoongi narrowed his eyes at me darkly for commenting on his height, but heed my instructions anyway.

"You're really bossy. You know that?" He retorted. I nodded my head and smiled. "I've been told. . . Are you getting tired of posing now? Is that why you're getting fussy?" I teased him some more.

"I'm not getting fussy, you punk." He argued, though his face looked pretty fussy to me. The slight irritation in his face was making my photos look good, so I provoked him. "Let's take a break." I said, obliging his pride. I also wanted to question him about the Hobi and Jimin situation. That had to be one of the reasons he was in such a shitty mood. It had been a week since their little drama started and Jimin complained every day about him not having made up his mind yet.

"Fine. . ." Yoongi agreed. I went over to the ledge to sit with him and set my camera in my lap so as not to break it. Deep down, I knew if I managed to break this camera, Taehyung would willfully buy me another one. It felt nice to have that kind of effect on him and to know that his love language was gifting me things. That wasn't easy when his boyfriend hated getting gifts.

There was a blush on my face as I thought about all the ways I could get my boyfriend to do things for me just because he wanted to fuck me. I could use that power for evil, but I refrained because I'm not a bitch. . . most of the time. I pushed the thought aside because I knew if I blushed any redder, Yoongi would say something.

"So. . . How are you?" I tried to tread lightly, so as not to irritate Yoongi anymore, but his bullshit tolerance was already at zero. He scoffed at me. "Just cut to the chase, Jeon. You want to be nosy about my love life."

"W-well sort of. . . I want to know how everything's going." I said, honestly. Yoongi shrugged and looked off into the distance as if to be contemplating his existence. I'm sure he was. "I'm not really sure how shit's going. I don't really want to think about it." He said.

I pursed my lips, preparing for an argument with him and received some glares. "Well, they're both waiting for you to make a decision, so maybe you should think about it."

"I mean, I have been. It's just a mess in my head right now. I have feelings for both of them, but I've waited for Jimin for years and now he's finally willing to try something. I've also waited for Hobi for years. Every time he and Saejin would break up, I'd be there to comfort him and then he'd go right back to her."

"Did you tell him how you felt back then? Maybe then, he wouldn't have gone back to her." I asked him. Yoongi shook his head. "I didn't ever tell him because I didn't want to ruin our friendship. Now he's telling me he has feelings for me and that between me and Saejin, it's always been me. He's been there for me like I've been there for him and I feel like that means so much more than satiating my curiosity about Jimin, who's been dragging me around, y'know? Hobi wasn't entirely upfront about the way he felt, but he gave me hints. Jimin just let me chase him in my head while he chased me around physically." Yoongi said, I nodded. "Sounds like you already have your answer."

"I really don't know what to do. I wish I could split myself into two and be with both of them so no one gets hurt." Yoongi said, chewing anxiously on his inner cheek. "Well, how do they make you feel, separately? Be honest with yourself about that and you won't have any more doubts." Yoongi eyed me as if I was the last person who should be giving him relationship advice. However, I felt qualified because I too had been learning to acknowledge and accept my feelings. He scoffed and shook his head. "You're really growing up, huh?"

Dark and Wild *Taekook*Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt