D&W 24: What's Your Favorite Cologne?

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Welcome back! I hope you enjoy this one. It's long 😉


It had been four weeks since Taehyung and I started dating. So far, things were smooth sailing and that concerned me. It was all way too easy, easier than I'd expected, to date someone. It took two weeks for everyone to stop staring and asking invasive questions about our relationship, and the same amount of time for people to stop giving me envious glares. Like how dare I take the community dick away from the community? Taehyung knew he meant more than that and he always defended me against his pursuers if they looked at me wrong. It was sort of endearing. Though I knew how to handle myself, no one had ever stuck up for me before. It felt nice to let him do all the work. Taehyung had been pretty sweet, too sweet. Honestly, he stopped charming everyone around us and focused on me. I had to get used to his outgoing personality, but he reeled it in a bit and I didn't even have to ask.

Since I'd been Taehyung's boyfriend for a month, that meant that he had been without sexual contact for seven weeks. I couldn't find it in myself to ignore his obvious discomfort and frustration, but I also was afraid to acknowledge it. I could tell he missed that physical touch and he often complained about it. Before, he never went 48 hours without sex and now I was withholding it from him. Taehyung did acknowledge that his promiscuity, in particular, was unhealthy, however, he also acknowledged that it helped him cope with some things he wasn't yet ready to specify with me. I could only guess and wait for him to feel comfortable enough to open up. Perhaps I would do the same. In order not to deprive him entirely, however, we kissed quite a bit. I also made a little timeline in my head of where I let him touch me and for how long.

From the first night we made out after the DR party, the next week, I let myself sit on his lap while I taught him how to play overwatch. The week after that, he touched by butt for the first time while we cuddled on his bed, listening to a movie. I didn't even notice his hand had slipped down to my ass until he got up to go get our takeout from downstairs and a warm handprint was left cooling on the outside of my sweatpants.

I was sensitive when it came to physical contact, increasingly with Taehyung and due to the fact that I had no experience in it before him, not even mildly. It wasn't until we were done eating that I realized I wanted his hand on me again, and then it made me horny. Go figure.

In the last couple of days, things started to get a little more intense. It felt like we were moving a bit fast, but I was comfortable enough to let it happen. One time, we were doing homework together in my dorm, but that only lasted for an hour because Taehyung teased me into taking a brain break... with his lips. That kiss was enough to render me careless and I discarded my assignment. The room didn't really allow for a study-friendly environment anyway. The purple strip lights and the k-r&b really set the mood for fooling around.

Taehyung kissed my lips gently, teasing them open and brushing his tongue softly against mine. I could taste the cherry blowpop and I couldn't stand how much I enjoyed his kisses. He always gave me just the right amount of lips and tongue, and the right amount of sensuality, but not too much... most of the time. Sometimes, he slipped up and gave me a few 'fuck me' kisses, but his self control was stronger than I thought, because I could barely stop myself when I was getting a little to into it. He didn't lack resilience, that was for sure.

This time, his kiss was tender. We were supposed to be doing homework again, but now he had his hands buried into my hair as he held his body up with his forearms. The plank he was doing on top of me tired him eventually and he sat his body comfortably between my legs. If I hadn't opened them for him in the first place, this next part would have been avoided. That is, if I wanted to avoid it.

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