Prologue One.

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"Hisashi, why do you have a baby with you?" Inko asked her husband who just breathed in and gave her a small lopsided smile, "I can't say much about it right now, Inko." Hisashi said, planting a soft kiss on his wife's forehead, "just raise her please, raise her to be a good person." He pleaded with her while Inko met his eyes, with a wary look, just where is he going with this? She thought as she closed her eyes and sighed at the desperate in his eyes.

"Okay." She said looking at the man with her emerald eyes, "what's her name?" "[Name]." "That's it?" He nodded, "Midoirya [Name]." He responded handing her paper work, birth documents, a social security card, for some reason her husband had all these documents. Where did he get this baby from? She wondered as she held her stomach, did he still a baby because of my condition?

Inko set the girl next to her son, the two of the giggling in the crib, not understanding the tension in the air between the adults, "Hisashi, did you steal this baby?" Inko asked, a hushed whisper, "I know you're sad we can't have anymore kids, but you can't..." "I didn't steal the baby." He said with certainty, "my boss, she was left on his doorstep, and he said he didn't want to deal with some failures kid, so I offered to take her home, that's all." Hisashi said as he looked at the clock, and Inko knew the man was lying, he always did about his work, "I have to go back." He told his wife quickly, squeezing her hand one last time, "I love you Inko."

Inko never said it back right away, but that didn't stop the man from walking over to the green haired boy, a smile plastered on his pale skin, a soft blush on his freckled cheeks, kissing the baby's forehead he sighed happily, taking in the face of his son, "be a good brother okay?" The boy giggled in a response, almost as if he grasped the concept of what his father told him.

The man smiled at the dull eyed girl, his wife getting a suspicious look before she sighed, "I love you Hisashi, but please, can you tell me a little before you go? I need to tell the neighbors something." Inko asked in desperation, her husband pushed down the knot in his stomach, dread in his veins as he nodded, "the baby had a note left in her basket." He said handing her the note, "can't we just say she was left on ours and we adopted her?" He asked as Inko stared at the note, emotions going in and out of her body, disappointment, anger, pity, going out to the mother of this child as she looked at the note.

Take this useless junk, it's blind.

Hisashi looked to the side, something Inko noticed when he was going to tell her another half truth, "I think she was in some cult breeding quirk thing." He said, his words jumbled as he looked at the ground making Inko close her eyes, "Hisashi, you're not coming back to me after this are you?" Hisashi softly smiled, "not for a long time Inko, I'm sorry."

"It's your fault Izuku won't be able to tie a tie." "I know." "It's your fault [Name] won't know you." "I know." "But I'll try my best for you, I'll try to teach Izuku how to tie and tie, and I'll tell [Name] about how you saved her, I won't hide anything from them." Hisashi smiled, planting a kiss on his wife's forehead, "that's what makes you the best." Is all he said as he closed the door, locking it behind him, leaving his wife with one resolve.

How do I make sure they have the best life I can give them? She wondered as she stared at the children, hand in hand together as they slept, no, there's no how do I, there's just I will. I will give them the best life.

"Small Might! Save me!" A small [hair colored] girl yelled while she was being chased by Inko, "I'll get you today!" She roared, chasing the small girl as she jumped in front of the [skin colored] girl, "I got you today Miss. Healer!" Inko screamed as [Name] screamed, over dramatic, and loudly.

"Have no fear for I am here!" A green haired boy shouted, standing in front of the small girl with his All Might jumper on, "you will do no harm here villain!" "Small Might!" Inko screamed, "why are you here!" "A hero always comes when he's called!"

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