Bonding time Part 4

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A/n: This is Irene telling the bedtime story to Erza

Both mages made their way towards Dragnof. As they reached the city they were stopped by a bunch of farmers pointing weapons at them.

"Hold travelers what do you seek in Dragnof." A farmer asked.

Makarov seeing as he had a a pitchfork pointed on his chest didn't attack. "I wanted to look inside Dragnof but why are you holding a pitchfork at me." He asked a little confused.

The farmer hesitated a moment before lowering the makeshift weapon. "To be honest after our glorious queen Irene was cast out by her husband he didn't give a damn about the people. His own army that came from the other kingdom robbed the treasury room and beat any civilian to the ground that dared to stand in their way." He said and grabbed his weapon tightly. "But we wont give up if only our Queen was here to give us guidance and hope. We will free the kingdom of this tyrant" The farmer added.

Irene hearing this felt her heart ache as she heart her people suffer. The famer felt a hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry sir I wont let someone like that hurt you any longer." Makarov said with a kind smile. "I'll help you get rid of the king." He said and gripped the mans shoulder tightly.

The farmer hearing this grew a confused look. "Sir are you sure you can fight with us, you don't have a weapon." The farmer asked.

Makarov laughed. "Oh I am my own weapon." He replied and ignited his free hand into a small fire.

"A wizard and a fire wizard on top of it we can now win surely." The farmer said and smiled, crying some tears of joy he tightly hugged Makarov for a second. "I'm sorry mister." The farmer said wiping the tears away.

"Don't worry we will win together." Makarov said and hugged the farmer back lightly.

"Our Queen was quite the good strategist. With her we could easily win against the army of the General." The farner exclaimed.

"Then why don't you ask her for help." Makarov said and moved out of the way showing a hooded figure.

The farmer gazed at the figure with confusion. Irene lowered her hood. "I heard what you said dear farmer. I wont stand aside and see my people suffer. I decided to step in and make an end to your suffering." She said with a soft voice.

The farmer grew a smile as he stood up hugging the queen. The farmer quickly backed off in fear. "I'm sorry please don't hurt me." He said and knelt down.

Irene grew a confused look as she knelt down to be at eyelevel with the man. "What happened that you fear me." Irene asked concerned.

"The king your husband punished us badly for any wrong doing he sometimes just chose a random person for punishment even pregnant women". The Farmer replied.

The Queen grew a furious rage in her as her eyes showed anger. "That's enough Makarov help me at getting back my Kingdom." Irene ordered.

Makarov just nod. "I would have done it without you asking me anyway." He replied.

The farmer gave signal with a whistle. Other farmers and people walked out of hiding. Irene looked at her people that were looking with hope at her. "Now has come the day that we get back our kingdom. I Irene Queen of Dragnof stood aside for too long. Seeing my people suffer brings tears to my eyes. Therefore I will make an end to it by guiding you into battle not from the back but as the first line of attack." She shouted. Irene held her hand out towards a man that had two swords. "Give me one of your swords and I'll give the signal for the attack." Irene said towards the man.

Irene grabbed the handle of the longsword. She pointed with the tip of it to the gate. "Now then without anymore to say Let's get back what is rightfully ours." Irene shouted charging at the gate with a horde of people behind her.

The two Scarlet Women Fairy Tail Male reader X Erza Scarlet X Irene BelserionWhere stories live. Discover now