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Y/N Pov

The flickering light of candles cast a warm glow across my room, signaling the imminent dungeon excursion. The announcement had injected an air of anticipation into the academy, and now, surrounded by adventurers gear, it was time to prepare.

My fingers traced the well-worn leather of my leather gloves, their familiar touch grounding me amidst the impending unknown. The medieval torches that lined the walls flickered softly, creating dancing shadows that seemed to echo the tales of dungeons and mystical creatures from medieval lore.

Inspecting my gear, I took a moment to appreciate the craftsmanship of my sword—an intricate piece with meticulous forgery and enchantments that reflected the warmth of the surrounding light. The weight of the medieval history within the academy seemed to intensify as I adjusted the straps of my armor, one which was meant to keep lighter injuries away then full on strikes, each piece telling stories of realms long past.

The door creaked open, revealing the familiar faces of Rudeus, Zanoba, Cliff, and the others who would share this medieval adventure. The torchlight in their eyes mirrored the flame of excitement within me. Our camaraderie spoke of a shared understanding that the dungeon held challenges we were more than ready to face. "Come on Y/n we are just waiting for you now." Rudeus pressed.

My gaze lingered on Elsie, Heine, Juliet, Elinalise, Pursena, and Linia—each bringing unique set of combat skills to the journey. The responsibility settled on my shoulders, a feeling both familiar and intensified by the looming exploration, I was chosen by them as the leader of the group, with Rudeus being the second in comand.

Pursena and Linia, the beast cat girls, adjusted their armor and accessories with playful enthusiasm. Their feline grace added a touch of whimsy to the serious preparations. A smile played on my lips, a reminder that even in the face of dangerous challenges, camaraderie could be a source of strength.

Strategy discussions unfolded, and medieval maps were spread across the table—a canvas of possibilities. "Here, the teacher told us he'd be waiting for us outside on the academy entrance, then we will go to the dungeon, one which was unearthed just days ago." Rudeus spoke and pointed to the north of Ranoa on the map. One which was home to the tallest mountains in the region.

The clinking of armor and the soft hum of magical incantations filled the room as we finalized our preparations. Elsie making sure our weapons would be enchanted with proper magic to deal with any possible threat. A sense of unity pervaded the diverse group, an adventurous fellowship ready to embark on an adventure that would become part of the academy's history.

As we stepped into the corridor leading to the exit, the surge of excitement in my chest was undeniable. The dungeon awaited, its mysteries beckoning, and our preparations were complete. The realm of adventure was about to unveil its secrets, and I stood ready to face whatever lay in the forgotten depths.

Just as we set foot outside, snow fell to the ground, the day barely starting with the sun not even setting over the horizon. The teacher, a tall and well endowed blonde Elven woman waving at us and my Exceed Rose being right beside her waiting for us. "Yo, took you long enough." She stated and counted each one of us. "That makes ten. I'm Aerith, S class adventurer and your teacher for this excursion. Hop in, it will take a while until we reach the dungeon so take the time to prepare."

The medieval morning in the snowy mountains painted a serene landscape as our group, accompanied by Rose, the Exceed cat, and a wise teacher, we embarked on a carriage journey towards the entrance of the elusive dungeon. The wheels crunched through the snow, leaving trails behind, and the medieval scenery unfolded in a breathtaking panorama.

The two Scarlet Women Fairy Tail Male reader X Erza Scarlet X Irene BelserionWhere stories live. Discover now