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Irene Pov

It had been a day since the ceremony to crown me the queen of Dragnof again and I couldn't wait to see how my kingdom was doing. But when I got all the papers from the data that was collected from the church of Zentopia about my kingdom in the last 400 years, I couldn't believe what I was seeing, I thought that my kingdom was in bad shape but that it was on the brink of collapsing was shocking to say the least. I was devastated about it and threw the papers back on the desk while throwing my hands on the desk with a loud clash. "I can't believe this, how stupid could those people be?!" I yelled in rage throwing a vase to the wall causing it to brake.

The civilians were behaving like animals without any laws or morals anymore. "Bernard come here immediately!" I yelled impatient. I pinched the bridge if my nose and growled while looking towards the window, being ashamed was taking it lightly.

He came running into the room quickly. "Your majesty, you shouldn't be enraged for your child's health sake." He scolded me and I sat down huffing knowing he was right. "I've got plenty of reason why I'm like this, our countries birthrate are at an all time low and the population has even gone negative since the day's I ruled and in that time we had a 25 percent mortality rate on births compared to the now 1 percent which seems to show in those papers, the kingdoms city in my rule had over a hundred thousand citizens after the dragon war and now its not even half of it. I want to know why and what happened to the chivalry in this kingdom, men don't seem to care about women as the attacks on women from the outside have been increasing but the crimes commited on women from people of Dragnof are almost Zero." I asked in a calmer tone but was still quite mad.

 He took a moment to think before looking down and back up to me. "There is a group of women who have been destabilizing the society of Dragnof and influenced others to not be housewifes anymore and they want to have the same rights and privileges as men." He stated and my eyes widened in shock.

"They want what?" I asked baffled and couldn't help the laugh before snapping my gaze back to him. "Women in Dragnof have been the most privileged under its citizens having special doctors, courses and laws which benefited them and being a housewife who didn't have to make deadly hard work? How could they think that they were lesser then men while those were drafted to fight against Dragons and woman had it optional?" I asked and had to laugh.

"Those women said that they are oppressed because they cannot have the same as men." He replied and I rolled my eyes.

I pressed my palms together and sighed. "Bernard, I've seen this happen once 400 years ago in a country far away from here on the coast, women wanted more rights they wanted more and more. You give them something and they take everything, that country gave in on women because it was weak even tough it was wealthy. 400 years later that kingdom doesn't exist as it was attacked by another country, its women screamed for protection from the very men they hated and felt oppressed by and those turned their backs on them as they were slaughtered, some of those women were turned into slaves for various things but most had the grim fate of death. The men had been spared as they had planned this revolt siding with the enemy or not even acting to use weapons. Men were treated like second class citizens by women who ruled the court, the insanity in those women was beyond me, even when I was the Scarlet Despair completely insane without a shred of good behavior or morals in me, I've turned children into insects and stepped on them right in front of their parents. I couldn't bring myself close to make something so utterly evil as a movement that claims to be for women only to be the very reason why so many of them are degraded into objects of lust claiming its empowering to have almost all STD's that are known to us and having slept with more then one person. I myself never wanted to marry Rung but it was political and Erza was conceived under political reasons, not love. My first true love is Y/n and I will never leave him. So I think we should change laws, and Bernard." I stated looking at him dead in the eyes. "I want a public execution for those women who are the leaders of this so called feminist idiology that is ruining my kingdom, I'm not letting some fanatics ruin what my family has been building for centuries, a perfect society where morals and dignity are the most important and laws had been made especialy to fit to men and women." I added and his jaw dropped. "I understand your majesty, hard times require hard decisions." He bowed.

The two Scarlet Women Fairy Tail Male reader X Erza Scarlet X Irene BelserionWhere stories live. Discover now