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The medieval sun painted soft hues across the room as I stirred, the warmth of the morning gently coaxing me from the realm of dreams. Blinking away the remnants of sleep, I found myself ensconced in the comforting embrace of my bed. Yet, it wasn't the solitude of slumber that greeted me but the presence of Elsie beside me.

As my eyes adjusted to the gentle light filtering through the window, I couldn't help but marvel at the ethereal sight that lay beside me. Elsie, with tousled hair and a serene expression, seemed like a vision from a royal tapestry. The delicate curve of her cheek, the fluttering lashes that kissed her skin, and the rise and fall of her chest with each peaceful breath — all spoke of a tranquil beauty that captivated me.

Elsie stirred in her sleep, a soft sigh escaping her lips. I couldn't resist reaching out, my fingers delicately tracing the contours of her face, as if sculpting a masterpiece from the essence of morning light. The touch, feather-light, sent ripples through the peaceful atmosphere, awakening a symphony of emotions within me.

The medieval charm of the moment held a delicate magic, the air saturated with the quiet intensity of shared dreams. I marveled at the vulnerability in Elsie's slumber, the trust she bestowed upon the morning, and me, by her side. My heart echoed with the soft cadence of affection, a melody composed in the silent hours where dreams and reality intertwined.

As Elsie gradually opened her eyes, our gazes met in a dance of morning intimacy. The world outside our intimate haven seemed to hush, granting us a moment suspended in time. I couldn't help but offer a tender smile, a silent acknowledgment of the shared warmth that enveloped us.

In that serene morning, amidst the echoes of dreams and the soft radiance of dawn, Elsie and I discovered the quiet beauty of waking up together a timeless refrain in the symphony of our budding romance. This should have been the way to wake up after that one night. Her hand traced a gentle line on my jaw. Pulling herself closer she tenderly kissed me.

. . .

The evening sun cast a warm glow over Ranoa Academy as I strolled along the familiar streets, Rose, the Exceed cat, perched contentedly on my shoulder. The air held a tranquil quality, and the medieval architecture of the academy seemed to bask in the fading light.

As I neared the girls' dormitory, the surroundings took on a different atmosphere. Laughter and hushed whispers danced in the air, creating an undercurrent of mischief. I raised an eyebrow, sensing that something unusual was afoot.

My suspicions were confirmed when, just ahead, I spotted a peculiar sight on the cobblestone path. Lying innocently on the ground was an article of lingerie—lacey undergarment scattered as if they had fallen from the sky. It was an unexpected and puzzling scene in the medieval setting of the academy.

A knowing smile tugged at the corners of my lips as I picked up the single item laying on the ground. Looking up I saw an open window. But just as I had seen It I noted movements in the bushes. The girls had orchestrated a clever trap, and I had unwittingly walked right into it. Chuckling to myself, I took a closer look, the size was no doubt of Elsie's and these are the same I had previously seen on her, fully aware that the eyes of the mischievous orchestrators were likely upon me.

"We've got the pervert."

The accusations flew as I found myself at the center of a rather unconventional dispute. The cobblestone path near the girls' dormitory had turned into a makeshift courtroom, and I stood as the accused party, with the evidence right in my hand.

"He stole our underwear!" Juliet exclaimed, pointing an accusing finger in my direction. The medieval drama unfolded, and I exchanged bemused glances with Rose, who perched on my shoulder.

The two Scarlet Women Fairy Tail Male reader X Erza Scarlet X Irene BelserionWhere stories live. Discover now