Beginning of a nighmare

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We entered the guild hall as we walked back from a monster hunting request, it was Wendy's first actual request involving them. Irene taught Wendy more enchantment magic and she was more then happy to do it, Erza began learning it too, she is making baby steps since this is a completely different magic then she is used to but Irene claimed that Erza would make vast progress once she understands the basics of enchant magic, since enchant is her mothers magic and she should have this in her blood already. "You did great at defeating the Wyvern Wendy." Irene exclaimed happily and pat her adopted daughters head.

Erza nodded in agreement. "I do have to say that I was impressed by how calm you were." Erza admitted as she walked with closed eyes to her usual table. 

Heine and Juliet both nodded as well. "Sure Wendy did quite well fighting it." Heine said and smiled.

Wendy laughed happily. "Thank you Erza-san and Heine-san." Wendy exclaimed with joy.

I smiled at her and pat her head. "I have to say I was a little concerned when the Wyvern almost hit you with it's claw but using your roar to propel yourself away that was a genius move." I said and smiled.

Wendy smiled at me. "I took it from Erza-nee san when I saw her fight and use her swords to jump away." She exclaimed and Erza lightly blushed as she was flattered to teach Wendy something and be called older sister.

Erza and Irene began eating their strawberry cake, Wendy got a slice of Irene's cake. I took my beer tankard and sipped on it.

I looked over at Irene that wrote some notes in her notebook. "What are you writing in your diary." I asked and looked at it. Irene closed it sharply and hid it. "It's not a diary." She exclaimed a little flustered. "It's a notebook and I wrote when we came back, I use it too see how long we usually take for a request and other stuff." She hastily exclaimed. 

"Other stuff, that reminds me when did you schedule your next meeting with Rogue and Sting to teach them more about it since you began from the beginning to teach them and the history of Dragon slayer magic." I asked curious.

Irene smiled. "It should be today actually, Sting is the guild master of Saber Tooth and he takes the trips to our guild to get more ideas on how to be more like us." She exclaimed with a happy smile.

We heard a knock on the door of the guild and all turned to see who it was. I saw Sting, Rogue, Yukino with Frosch and Lector. Yukino headed to Lucy to talk with her while Sting and Rogue walked to us. "Irene sensei we have come to your lesson." Rogue exclaimed.

Irene smiled happily and stood up, a black board appeared out of nowhere and she pulled Natsu towards us. Erza laughed a little as he tried to protest only to be hit by Irene's staff right on his head she pulled out the books and handed them to us. "Now then we stopped at what Dragon slayer magic can do. If an enchanter poses dragon slayer magic then she can enchant swords to have dragon slayer magic, I can even enchant a stick to be stronger then a sword and brake it with the stick." Irene explained. Erza held her hand up like in school. "Does that mean that Wendy can enchant my swords so that I could fight dragons like a dragon slayer." She asked curious. 

Irene nod. "Indeed it does, Dragon slayer magic is equally effective against Dragon slayers so if you have a problem with anyone of the slayers then just enchant your sword with the right magic and it will easily deal with them." Irene replied and Erza smiled happily while Natsu sweat dripped.

Irene taught us more about what happens with the dragon slayers and their magic, Wendy got a bit scared but Irene dismissed any worry for her. 

Sting and Rogue left with Frosch Lector and Yukino again and we were alone, Natsu wanted to do a request but found non that interested him so he sulked in the corner of the guild. 

The two Scarlet Women Fairy Tail Male reader X Erza Scarlet X Irene BelserionWhere stories live. Discover now