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Y/n Pov

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow across the rugged terrain of Ranoas mountains, I found myself sitting around a crackling campfire with Elsie and my mentor, Irene. My mind was still on Juliet, but it went better then I thought with her. Rose, Heine and Juliet were at the Academy, ordered by Irene to stay there for safety reasons. Tonight, we were embarking on a monster slaying mission, and the anticipation hung heavy in the air.

I watched the flames dance, their flickering light casting shadows that seemed to dance along the trees. Irene's stern expression caught my attention, and I couldn't help but wonder about her motivations for this particular mission.

"Why did you want to do this mission, Irene?" I asked, my curiosity getting the better of me.

Her gaze shifted towards me, illuminated by the fire's glow. "To slay Goblins," she replied firmly. "Monsters that have no right to live. Vermin that plague this land."

I nodded, understanding the severity of our task. The Goblins, monsters like none other, were known for their destructive nature, and it was our responsibility to protect the innocent from their wrath. In most parts of the world Goblins had been whiped out but in the vast untouched mountains they still roam around, preying on travelers and kidnaping women.

Beside me, Elsie shifted uncomfortably, her voice hesitant as she spoke up. "But aren't Goblins creatures too? Don't they have a right to live?"

Irene's gaze softened as Elsie looked up at her with a mixture of concern and curiosity. She took a deep breath, steeling herself for the difficult conversation ahead.

"Elsie, I know this may be hard to hear, but Goblins are not just creatures with harmless mischief," Irene began, her voice gentle yet firm. "They are dangerous predators, driven by their depraved instincts."

Elsie's eyes widened, a flicker of unease crossing her features. "What do you mean, mother?"

Irene took a moment to gather her thoughts before continuing. "Goblins are known to murder men without mercy and to kidnap women for their sick and depraved desires," she explained, her tone grave. "They see humans as nothing more than prey to satisfy their vile urges."

Elsie's breath caught in her throat, her mind reeling with the weight of Irene's words. The idea of such brutality and cruelty left her feeling sickened and horrified.

"But why?" Elsie whispered, her voice barely audible above the crackling of the campfire. Her sword which was held in her hand trembled gently.

Irene's expression hardened, her eyes flashing with determination. "Because that is their nature, Elsie. They are creatures of darkness, consumed by their basest instincts. It is our duty to protect the innocent from their wrath."

Elsie nodded slowly, her thoughts swirling with a mixture of fear and resolve. She understood now the true danger that lay ahead, and she knew that she could not falter in the face of such evil. But still one thing weighted in her mind. Why would they only kill men and kidnap women? It didn't make sense in her mind. "Why would they kidnap us especialy?" Her words were silent.

"Elsie, it's important for you to understand the true nature of Goblins," Irene began, her voice steady yet gentle. "They are not simply mischievous creatures. They harbor darker inclinations, driven by instincts that are inherently predatory."

Elsie furrowed her brow, her curiosity piqued. "What do you mean, Irene? What instincts?"

Irene hesitated for a moment, choosing her words carefully. "Goblins have been known to commit unspeakable acts," she explained, her tone somber. "They prey on the vulnerable, particularly women, with intentions that are... sinister."

The two Scarlet Women Fairy Tail Male reader X Erza Scarlet X Irene BelserionWhere stories live. Discover now