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Elsie Pov

A rather unusual sight spread before me. A wooden door to the academy's fitness studio. Yes indeed a magic academy had a weight lifting room for the students. Its necesity tickled my curiosity. I groaned softly as I pushed it open, revealing a realm filled with the clangor of metal and the unmistakable scent of sweat. One which would arouse anyone, to come and lift weights as well. Pursena and Linia, my two companions who had convinced me to join them, trotted beside me, their tails swaying with curiosity as we stepped into the muscle haven of physical activity.

The fitness studio was a sacred sanctuary adorned with an array of weights, ancient looking training equipment, and the echo of rhythmic strained grunts. Pursena and Linia, agile and graceful, found a cozy spot near the soft mats, their eyes keenly observing the determined endeavors of the students.

My eyes shifted to a statue, placed right at the center of the gym. "The gods of weight lifting." I admired the physical beauty of the bronze statue, it was made up of two, a man and a woman in a strange pose flexing their musles, which had the perfect size and shape. I stared up to the womans upper legs, they were perfectly round and thick. Excatly how I'd want mine to be. A female weight lifter should be strong but her muscles be hidden, only showing delicately through the thin layer of fat. That's at least what I read in a book. One which had been writen strangely by an inventor who specialized in the creation of machines and not humans, he had calculated through extensive research the perfect proportion of hight to width of muscle, to be as easteticaly perfect. There was still a question knawing me tough. How can someone be fat and fit at the same time. Thick and fit would make more sense. I lit up a candle which was on the pedestal for good luck. 

I turned my attention to Pursena and Linia to resume our conversation about weight lifting, we had two different sides. Theirs was about weight lifting to be just done for becoming stronger. While mine was, it goes way deeper, even into the mind of a weight lifter itself. Its a form of art, not just to pass time.

"Pursena, Linia, lifting those heavy dumbbells might seem peculiar, but there's a purpose to it," I began, addressing my beast human companions with a smile. Pursena, the more playful of the two, flicked her tail in attention, while Linia's amber eyes conveyed a quiet curiosity.

"Strength isn't just about raw power," I continued, looking out across the gyms courtyard. "It's about resilience, endurance, and the ability to face the challenges that await us in this dangerous world. Knights and warriors often engage in weightlifting to prepare for the rigors of battle."

Pursena tilted her head, displaying a feline inquisitiveness. "But Elsie, we have our own magic and agility. Why bother with lifting heavy things?"

"True, Pursena, we do have our magical abilities," I agreed, stroking Linia's soft ears. "But in a magic world where battles can be physical and magical, having a foundation of physical strength complements our magical prowess. It ensures that we're well-rounded and capable in various situations."

Linia, always the thoughtful one, blinked in acknowledgment. Pursena, however, pawed at an imaginary dumbbell with playful enthusiasm.

"I suppose there's a certain medieval charm in being strong and agile," Pursena mused. "And I could show off my mighty paws to everyone in the courtyard."

I chuckled at Pursena's whimsical notion. "Indeed, Pursena. But more than showing off, it's about being prepared. Whether it's facing mythical creatures or navigating the challenges of daily life, a balance of strength and magic enhances our capabilities."

As the medieval sun dipped lower in the sky, casting long shadows across the courtyard, I couldn't help but appreciate the camaraderie shared with my feline companions. The medieval world held mysteries and adventures, and in the midst of it all, the importance of strength training became a thread that wove through the tapestry of our medieval journey.

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