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Y/n Pov

Our group of adventurers now laid in the carriage exhausted with the teacher proudly humming and snow slowly falling. Elsie and I were holding hands smiling happily with Rose laid between us. In the corner of my eye I noticed she was sleeping as her head rested on my shoulder. Rudeus smiled gently towards me. "You know, you three look like a family." He motioned to us. I looked over to Elsie who was tired of all the fights. "I guess you could say we are." I said and Elsie looked up to me slowly, her eyes heavy from exhaustion. A light hum was all she said.

She leaned over, laying with her head on my shoulder closing her eyes. The entire party was done and dozing in the carriage. I too couldn't keep my eyes up longer.

The journey back to Ranoa after the Dungeon expedition was filled with a mix of exhaustion and triumph. The group, comprised of Rudeus, Cliff, Zanoba, Elsie, Heine, Elinalise, Juliet, Linia, Pursena, and our teacher Aerith, trudged wearily through the familiar terrain. The echoes of camaraderie, forged in the crucible of the dungeon, resonated in our mind.

As we approached the outskirts of Ranoa's bustling town, the aroma of a nearby tavern beckoned. The medieval adventure had left its mark on us, and a collective decision was silently reached - a detour for some well-deserved revelry. "Come on guys, I have a tradition, every time I come back from a dangerous dungeon we get hammered." The Elven teacher spoke and set the carriage at the side of the building.

The tavern's wooden door creaked open as we entered, greeted by the lively hum of conversation and clinking tankards. The medieval atmosphere within embraced us, providing a respite from the trials we had faced.

A round table near the corner became our sanctuary. Tankards of mead were raised in unison, the frothy liquid a balm to our worn souls. Laughter erupted, and stories of the dungeon's challenges mingled with the ambient medieval tavern sounds.

Rudeus, with a hearty laugh, recounted a close encounter with a particularly cunning monster. Zanoba, ever the adventurer, embellished his own tales, and Cliff, in his stoic manner, shared moments of quiet triumph.

Elsie, with her eyes shining, wove enchanting stories of magical prowess, captivating the group with the medieval mysteries she had unraveled as she was the only one capable of reading the ancient runes. Heine, Juliet, Elinalise, Linia, and Pursena contributed their own perspectives, the tapestry of experiences creating a rich tableau.

Aerith, our guide and mentor, observed the festivities with a knowing smile. Her eyes held a mix of pride and camaraderie, acknowledging the growth and unity that had blossomed within our diverse group. She took down a tankard in one go, shocking us all.

The tavern's medieval ambiance became a backdrop to the symphony of our shared laughter and clinking tankards. As the night wore on, the burdens of the dungeon lifted, and the bonds that had been forged in adversity solidified over ale-soaked tales.

The door creaked open once more as a cool breeze swept through the tavern, carrying the scent of the medieval night. The night was young, and the echoes of camaraderie lingered in the air. Our expedition's end remained open, awaiting the tales and adventures that would unfold beyond the medieval tapestry of the dungeon.

The tavern echoed with the lively laughter and clinking tankards as the night wore on. The medieval atmosphere, infused with merriment, seemed to swirl around Aerith and me. The tankards of ale had worked their magic, and a pleasant haze settled over our senses. Cliff and Elinalise had gone upstairs much to our confusion.

Aerith, our wise and composed teacher, seemed to shed the formal mantle that defined her in the academy. Her eyes sparkled with a mischievous glint, and a playful grin adorned her lips. It was a side of her I hadn't seen before, and the medieval tapestry of the night seemed to be weaving unexpected threads.

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