EPIC fail.

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Chapter 12- EPIC fail.

            I smiled when I awoke to beautiful sunlight flowing through the window. I knew there wasn't school today, and sleeping in just made it that much more believable. The apartments' décor always got me, and for the third time I got up to fix my breakfast here.

            Today was the audition... and tomorrow we would fly back home. Not something I looked forward to, I might add. Henry was a good friend of mine now. I'd have to remember to find out a way to contact him once I left.

            Yes, for the last two days I'd made myself busy with preparations. It was fun to be busy; at least that's what I'd always thought. And boy, was I busy. Henry had me acting like a salesperson yesterday, going around to strangers and asking them weird or awkward questions about embarrassing products.

            I didn't do too well with that part of my training. I either laughed while I was talking, which gave me away, or I simply told them it was a practice thing, something which pissed Henry off.

            "Soon, everyone in here will know what you're up to. Then the exercise won't be any count." Henry scolded. He watched me walk up to the next stranger in the studio, smiling as I did so.

            Today, I didn't know what I'd be up to. I'd probably be doing some other outrageous prank, or some kind of embarrassing skit again. Or maybe, I'd get lucky and we'd just practice for the audition. Henry was all about surprises, and I kinda hated that.

            I had my eggs and toast on my plate now, smiling as I sat beside my mom and watched TV while I ate. It seemed that my mom was growing more and more proud of me every day, and that wasn't exactly the best thing in the world. Later, she'd probably call one of her friends and brag about how well I'm doing, or brag to her enemies at work next week. It's not that I didn't want my mom to be happy... of course I did. I just didn't want her to be devastated if I didn't make the cut.

            It wasn't like the commercial, where I knew I had a good chance. This was LA. This was big time movies, a TV movie where all of my friends could watch. And there were probably thousands of other people auditioning for the exact same part as me.

            I braced myself for the most horrible, yet fun day I would ever have. Too bad there were only two left until I went home. I stepped into the studio after getting out of the limo with a gigantic grin plastered on my face.

            Henry attacked me from the side. "HEY KIDDO!" he screamed in my ear. I was trying to free myself when he grabbed my neck and gave me a 'noogie' like no other. That was so eighties fighting; I reminded myself to never do that to a kid when I was old like Henry. He really did remind of a big brother, even though he was probably old enough to be my uncle.

            I felt like a girl when I did this, but I screamed. "Stop! You're messing up my hair!"

            Henry laughed. "Maybe that girl skit was a little much for you?" He said it like a question.

            I rolled my eyes. Henry, Henry, Henry. "No. It wasn't. I spent a good amount of time on my hair for this audition, and you just screwed it up. So thanks."

            "Psh... You're being a girl."

            "No. I'm not." I finally cracked another smile at him, and we started waking to our section of the studio.

I could've sworn I heard him 'cough' and say 'girl' suspiciously, but I let it slide. He couldn't bear not having the last word. And yet, he called me a girl. "Okay, first thing's first: There are some things you need to know about this audition. It's not just acting in this case. You'll have to do come martial arts moves." He paused and looked around. "I can't teach you, but I can help you practice what you know. So.. Um... warm up."
            Henry went to shuffling around in some drawers, while I stretched my legs like I always had before. It felt good, since I hadn't been to karate class in a week. And it would be another week before I would go, so it was a good thing I was practicing today.

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