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Chapter 13- Break-up?

            I missed Henry. I missed my life as an actor. I missed the thrill, the joy, the triumph of it. And I feared that I couldn't go back to film the movie. I'd messed up. I mean, I'd really bombed the audition. And what's worse? School started this morning.

            We'd made it back last night, and I mean late last night. The sleep deprivation of the plane didn't help me at all. I wanted some sleep, and I got maybe two hours. I was having a marvelous dream, one in which I could keep my acting career and my girlfriend. Then...

            BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!

            The alarm. I thought I might die. But I only groaned and rolled over, smacking the snooze button and stuffing my face under my pillow. At least I have... well, no. Maybe I'd get to... well, not really. This was going to be a really crappy day.

            I rolled over, trying to land on my feet, but I kind of plopped onto the floor, face first. I just laid there for the time being, smelling the dirty carpet and scrunching my nose. That fall had really hurt.

            After a half hour, I was ready to go to school, somewhat. My eyes were baggy, but I thought I'd be okay. It was only then that I remembered Kaylen and the looming tension between us. How could I forget about someone so important? What's more, how could I forget my plan?

            "Hello. You're a sight for sore eyes." She smiled at me, giving me a peck on the cheek. I set my books on the ground and stared at them for a moment. There was nothing I wanted more than this. Funny how I said the same thing about acting.

            Then it hit me. I now understood exactly what Dylan had meant. One day you'll have to choose. I was being forced to choose: between both of my great loves. What great advice from a friend... even though it made no positive impact, it sure opened my eyes.

            Maybe dating my neighbor was no use from the start. That's what everyone says, anyway. And if I'd learned anything by being popular, it was this: follow the crowd. I'd never ignored anything, if only to gain my popularity. Funny how love and life itself can change all of that. Because of Kaylen, I had gone against peers' advice, I had defied the status quo, and I feared that I'd lose both of my passions because of it. Maybe following the crowd was the best option.

The plan I'd formed while in LA had not left me. If anything, it had grown more inevitable and tangible. Yes, a very real thing had gripped my heart, and I knew that I would never be the same. My plan: to break up with Kaylen before I knew my future. But what good would that do? If I didn't make it into the film? What then? Would I try to win her back?

That made no sense to me. Plus, I really did like Kaylen; maybe even loved her. So my new plan? To wait it out. Make sure that I'd have to make the choice before I made the choice.

Okay, so that didn't make a lot of sense, either. But that was the option I was choosing... for the moment.

I finally broke away from my reverie and looked at Kaylen solemnly. "I'm sorry. I guess I was daydreaming. I'm really tired." I proceeded to tell her of my late night flight home, spilling out my anger at the fact that peanuts seemed to be a flight attendant's main reason for waking me. It still angered me, and it forever would.

Things actually went on as normal between us, for the moment. She didn't ask about my feelings, though I was positive she knew. What kind of ignorant person would she be if she couldn't see that I was leaving soon? In fact, I knew she had, because she'd mentioned it a few times. 'I feel like someone is leaving me soon, but I don't know who, or when, or why.' Her words echoed through my thoughts. I'd promised her that it wasn't me.

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