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Chapter 15- Lost

            Today was Kaylen's birthday. It was going to be special, unbelievable; serene. It was her day, and mine. The day that I'd prepared for, or so I thought. But not in the sense that I'd know what to do if that day were horribly ruined. Which, unfortunately, was what happened. It was Thursday, and I had planned to meet her after school and have my mom drop us off at the movies. There I would give her the lovely necklace, one that hopefully, she'd cherish forever.

            Those plans were well ruined by the inevitable: and the obvious: my future.

            School was interesting. Kaylen got a ton of birthday wishes, which made her smile shine bright throughout the day. She smiled when I looked at her, when the teachers assigned homework, even laughed at Shane's inappropriate comments about our relationship.

            So, that was good, I thought. That meant that...well what did that mean? Wasn't a normal person happy on their birthday? I would be. She was turning fifteen, after all, and that meant one step closer to a license. A free woman, so to speak. I still had ten months before I felt that again. That didn't mean that the fighting with her mother had ceased, or that she was any happier to be with me. Or any less happier to be with me, I should say. Maybe I thought if she didn't care about me as much as I did her, she'd be less heartbroken when-

            I didn't want to think about that.

            It was glorious outside, making the idea of a lovely day more surreal. The clouds were sparse; the sky was deep and inviting. The trees swayed in the breeze. Not exactly wintry weather, but I took what God gave me. I took the bus home; since the team hadn't made it to the playoffs this year, football season was over.

            "I'm meeting you where?"
            "At my house, duh." I told Kaylen, smiling lightly.

            "Oh." She looked at me skeptically, thinking something was up.

            "I swear, it won't be weird. My mom will take us to the movies, then come back to pick us up. Nothing different about it." I assured her.

            We talked as usual, I got home, as usual, I did homework, I did chores, and then the phone rang. I picked it up slowly, having mixed feelings about the caller.

            "I have some great news," Rang Robert's loud voice from the other end.

            "What is it?"

            "You got the part!!!" He shouted. "Sharkboy. You're going to be on TV. You're going to get signed. You're going to be famous, kiddo!" He sounded as excited as I felt. "You're going to come live in LA. Flight expenses paid, kid. Isn't that good news? So, pack your bags kid. I'll be seeing you next week." 

"What? That's amazing!" I squealed into the phone, my hands trembling. "LA? Are you serious? Next week?"

"Well of course. Filming starts at the studio on Tuesday." Robert said, quite sternly. I couldn't believe this was happening here. My dreams were finally coming true, opening my eyes and enlightening my life. How could I not be excited? 

"Alright," I said, hanging up the phone. I suddenly sounded even glummer than I felt.


            Turns out, I was less thrilled about the prospect of leaving than I should have been. Of course, I wanted the fame, the money, the girls (especially); but how could I justify leaving the person that I saw as 'the One'? Did I even really know what love could hold for a child as innocent as me? As us? Could the idea of a first girlfriend be the only thing securing me to her? Or was it really real?

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