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Chapter 14- Sleepover

            For now, I was choosing the easy side- the part of my life that would stay changeless, unaltered; unmovable. The part of me that was a normal teenage, sports-playing, popular child with an awesome girlfriend. Well, that wasn't exactly the norm, but I still craved it in every way.

            My day whizzed by in a giant blur, my mind only pausing at the best parts- Kaylen's kiss in the hall; Shane's hilarious joke about his virginity (after all, I'm only a guy); Dylan's detention slip for tardiness. And, as I said, those were highlights, parts of my day that attracted me the most. To be honest, I felt the delusions of a normal life were bringing me down. I was expecting, but not holding appetency for, the call that could send me off to LA; or, of course, that same call that could break my heart. But either way, wouldn't my heart be shattered?

            After almost four months with Kaylen, I was in fact becoming attached. I felt that I needed a time with my guy friends... something that I actually hadn't done outside of football practice. And football season was almost over for us. Yea, we were kinda sucky when it came to winning. Point was, I needed some down time- with just Dylan, Shane, and me. That would be great.

            I texted them both, asking if they'd like to spend the night at my house.

            Of course they would, Dylan said. "If Shane declines, I'm going to kick his butt." He texted me, and I laughed, imagining the look on his face when he sent it. I knew Shane was coming, so that didn't matter anyway. I was planning on playing ding-dong-ditch, Xbox, renting Friday the 13th. I'd be sure we had plenty of junk food. It was going to be epic.

            The doorbell rang and I jumped up off the couch, smiling. "I'm coming!" I ran and answered the door. "Hey Shane." He didn't look exactly exited to be here- our fight a few months ago kinda put him on edge. He smiled tenuously and walked inside, portraying a sense of loss. Maybe it wasn't me; maybe something had happened at his house. Regardless, I was elated about the night. My mom had assured me that we had our junk food, with much arguing. She wanted to buy us Little Debbie cakes, chocolate bars, girly things. I wanted Monster Energy Drinks, Doritos, and Skittles. And of course, the glorified food: pizza.

            It was outlandish that I was the only one that was thrilled about the afternoon. Shane was generally a happy person. I was not... was surely not going to let that stop me from having a jolly time. Dylan showed up a few minutes later, and we all crashed on the couch to play Call of Duty. After the game had loaded, Shane spoke. "You did make sure we had Monsters, right?"

            "Well, I told my mom to pick them up." I paused the game and looked in the refrigerator. No Monsters, no Doritos on the counter, and no skittles, either. I was irritated with my mother. She got her way; there was Little Debbies and Capri Sun on the counter. Sun Chips lay on the opposite side of the kitchen. What was with all the sunny, girly food?

"Well, guess what? My mom disobeyed me. So, yea." I told them their options. They were not happy. "We're taking a trip. There's a convenience store right down the road."

My friends stared at me with dismay. Why should they come with me to the convenience store instead of playing video games? I wouldn't blame them. To my surprise, they stood, and after I yelled at my mother, we headed out the door.

I could see the end of the street ahead of us, and the store was just around the corner from the sign. "This is actually interesting." Shane said quietly.

"What's interesting?" Dylan eyed Shane peripherally, smirking.

"The idea of ding-dong-ditch."

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