Do You Remember Last December? (by: CarolinePK145)

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I read this, and i knew it related in so many way to this story. So I thought, 'Hey! Why not kill two birds with one pretty stone and post this for my story and for Caroline's publicity?' :)

And so that's exactly what I done did. xD

Enjoy! :)

Do you remember last December?

 I feel teardrops gently rolling down

As if it’s the only feeling I have ever found

It’s taking me away

Just for today

I tried to build my wall

And I tried to build it tall

It was supposed to be as strong as bricks

But it turned out to be as weak as sticks

Now all I hear is you humming

In the back of my mind

That sweet song you once sang to me

That filled me with glee

What happened to you?

You’re not the same

You’ve become new

And have forgotten my name

What happened to the past?

What happened to our past?

Do you still remember?

 That time we had last December?

Do you remember the night breeze?

The same night when you said “please”

You’re the one that told me

That music was the key

You made me stronger

And filled my hunger

I felt so lonely

But you held me knowingly

I felt so warm

And my feelings started to swarm

With your arms around me

You were the only person I wanted to see

We shared everything

We shared the music

We shared the love

You kissed me gently like a soft feathered dove

We parted for some time

And you left me with one rhyme

You told me that you loved me

But thought we could never be

So now all I can remember

Is that one time in December

That left me with teardrops

And made my heart completely stop

Yet I can still hear your hum

When you were banging your drum

Oh the music I do remember

That one time last December

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