Cool Water

35 1 0

19 Jan 2014
The darkness is taking over.
It's not a black orb like everyone says it's light and the best things are always your undoing.
I don't get my hopes up because if I do they will fall.
I don't smile at home because if I do I would be lying.
I don't do fun things because if I do when I go home my life seems worse than before.
I don't let the darkness wash over me because if I do I'll end up like her.
I don't run from the light because it's the light that blinds me making it so I can't see my horrible life.
I'm not suicidal
I'm in denial.
I'm in denial of my life falling apart.
"We won't be living here anymore" mum says desperately trying to turn my sister against me.
"Because of her" mum adds talking about me.
"I don't even want to think about what you have been through" my friend says with a rueful smile.
Believe me neither do I.
I want so badly to jump off a bridge.
Rushing adrenaline.
Cool water below.
I would at least be flying seconds before dying.
Instead of slowly dying living half a life in this hole.

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