The Snow Angel

33 1 0

14 Jan 2015
I may not be happy at this exact moment.
I know things are going to get harder and I regret things I've done.
But I can tell you this.
No matter how many times you put yourself down or how many times you make mistakes you will be happy.
I know that in the future I will be happy.
It doesn't matter if my life isn't the best or whatever I just know I will be happy and that's enough.
When I walk into court I'll be thinking this.
When I have to sit and listen to my parents argue over evidence I've supplied with my hands shaking tears threatening to run down my cheeks.
I'll remember that in the future I'll be happy.
Bad moments can't last forever.
They end.
Eventually everything will work out. I'll smile and laugh and love and it will be better than yesterday or even today.
I'm just trying my hardest to get to the point in my life when I look back on everything I've done and everything that's happened to me. Realising that it's made me who I am. I will realise I've made it. "Now that I've seen the bad I can truly appreciate the good. " that's what I'll say to myself standing in the mirror when I make it.

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