My Faults

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7 Oct 2014
I have extreme ups and downs.
Sometimes I'm so high and other times I'm so low. My mother blames it on the books I read. "They are so dark. They make you over emotional explosive and depressed" little does she know my books are my therapy for my depression. For my sitting in my room hating myself. Today adrenaline pulsed through me as I ran down the corridor Mrs Carty's voice ringing out from the classroom "get back in the classroom." Some of our other friends went back inside but Q grabbed me and we ran down the corridor I was excited and feeling rebellious. We sprinted down the stairs at the end of the corridor so fast I nearly tripped twice in the space of five seconds. My smile couldn't be dulled and we laughed together at the bottom feeling infinite. Then there's other times like now when I sit my room only dull light to be my company and tears streaming down my face in an endless river.
I've made bad decisions that I don't regret.
You said we didn't suit each other.
You cared to much about your "friend"
"Your a beautiful girl" said my mother.
My bad decisions make me who I am and if I wasn't good enough. It just shows you have bad taste because I'm classy as fuck. He made me believe that what people said didn't matter back that day in the hill, he is the one who ended because he cared too much about what they thought. Z can go and do what he wants saying we should just be friends.
But I'm the person who won't be here for him in the end.

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