Weak Willed Generation

23 1 0

16 Mar 15
I don't want to live in the same pattern.
Over and over and my legs are aching as I'm running full speed years on end to please people.
I don't want to try but I do.
I'm scared and confused yet a bit lonely.
I can change the last one but I don't want to.
The leather shoes mandatory for school hurt my feet and cause blisters.
Sometimes I can't even walk but I do so I don't get kicked out of school.
Why can't we just go to concerts, travel, eat good food, drive cars with the music up loud, zip line, have to people we love to love us back. Unfortunately life isn't all fun and some people have to work at supermarket checkouts or pay solicitors to get through divorces. Life is a huge dirty mess of filth and hurt.
It's a never ending circle.
Let's just be impulsive and have fun and make sure life counts.
"Go big or go home"
"All or nothing"
That is what I'm trying to live by.
I want to make sure I don't regret a single second of my life. When it flashes before my eyes I want to just watch a montage of how to be free.
I want to live.
Not be cooped up in a room but bathing by the ocean in Fiji.
Maybe even visiting the mountains and lakes in Colorado.
Just to go through the ups and downs with a smile because I know there is something better around the next corner.
People think 'my generation' or people who are like me are immature.
I think that finally a generation has finally learnt to live.
The previous is too concerned with jobs and the next thinks "living" is partying and doing drugs.
But people find happiness and meaning in many different things and I'm not here to judge.

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