How Can People Do This?

28 1 0

30 Nov 2014
I'm not mad I'm just disappointed. People treat others like shit. If your my friend be here for me. If you say you like me then it's simple you like me. Everyone expects me to fall at their feet. Help them, keep the conversation going and overall do all the work but that's unfair. In a world where everything is disposable people treat others that way. People need to realise that other people aren't toys. You can't just play with them for a minute and when your bored; throw them away. Only to pick them up again and make them feel special when you need something. I'm going to stop putting the effort in and only hang around people who actually care. Fuck everyone else. That my seem heartless because my heart was stomped on, thrown away and re-used to it's limit. Now my only way of fixing it is to get rid of everyone who hurt it.

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