
33 1 0

17 Feb 2015
It's amazing how fast things change.
This time it's for the better.
Toxic people slowly poison you.
Making each breath and heartbeat a little harder.
They manipulate you,
then play the victim.
You don't need people like this in your life.
That's why they are no longer in mine.
It's all colliding together backwards.
Like and exploding mirror played in reverse.
The millions of shards colliding together again making a perfect flat surface.
Where you can see yourself clearly.
All this time my vision has been blinded by the shards.
But when I hit rewind the shards that are lodged in my eyes are gone.
Pulled back into place, making the huge mirrors in this dark abandoned room.
I can see myself.
I look into my own eyes.
And I realise something I've always known; just forgotten.
That nobody should be able to control me with guilt and being rude.
I make my own decisions.
I am my own person.
And for the first time in over a year I've gotten rid of someone I don't need.
Now every morning when I brush my teeth I can look into the mirror and be proud of me.

The recollection of my misunderstood thoughts.Where stories live. Discover now