Hockey Skates

36 1 0

1 Mar 2015
A week ago.
The ice cold.
My hands gripping the edge.
Fog above the rink.
While I handled myself with next to no grace; you effortlessly glided along the ice.
For some reason I felt an attraction to you.
A 5 minute crush.
I'm not sure if it was because you could do something I couldn't or how caring you were when you helped that bleeding lady off the ice.
I think it was because all together you were 100% better than me.
I envied your perfect balance.
And your transparent fear of everyone else.
While I looked around the room to see if anyone has seen me fall my eyes caught yours; a hint of a smile on your face.
Feeling completely embarrassed I lifted myself up dusting off the ice on my skates.
For a minute.
I actually thought I would have a chance at catching a guys eye.
Not just someone from my horrible high school that has no sense of respect.
But someone worthy, someone graceful and caring.
I shivered when I had to ask you if I could have hockey skates instead of figure skating ones.
Your eyes intent and a contagious smile.
I doubt you thought about me again.
It's been 7 days which is 168 hours and every single second I've thought about you.

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