
41 1 0

11 Dec 2014
In the hall I've been in before.
I was in primary then though.
Performances and presentation days.
Now I'm in the audience.
The forth vent from the left always wobbles when the cold air passes through it. It's a familiar feeling being here in this hall, on these seats, the white noise of people and looking at that vent.
Everything is in a different perspective.
Like I'm looking at a moving target.
I've grown and become new.
My emotions haven't for this place.
On my way in children watched from the upstairs backstage window. Just a few years ago that was me. With my friends. Letting go of the past is easy. In other ways it's not.
Everything is ever changing for me and it gets tiring.
I want time to enjoy the good things before they get ripped away from me.

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