Transparent Glass

41 2 0

23 Dec 2014
The hurt is fading and it's getting better.
I feel like my life right now is good.
All I need is my friends.
Tired legs.
Unmade bed
There's someone walking around the hallway.
It's time to get up;
But this warm cocoon is so comfortable.
It's impossible to remember the winter a few months ago.
Christmas is only a couple days away but the usual excitement isn't there buzzing in the pit of my stomach.
I want to get up and eat but I'm tired.
And if I get up I'll have to pack,
Life is a never ending cycle or things to do.
Most of the time you don't even necessarily want to do it.
I'm pretty sure it's mum in the hallway.
Judging by the sighs I don't think she is happy I slept in.
Lately I've been exhausted.
I'm scared that if the hurt keeps fading so will everything else.
I've caught myself suddenly not caring at all what people think of me.
I don't know if it's a good thing.
When something hurts you, talk about it.
People may get annoyed but then it's gone.
All the built up emotions gone.
That's how you get the hurt to fade.
That's how things get better.

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