
59 3 0

16 Nov 2014
Drops of water fall in a torrent the wind shoves the trees outside my window and the unmistakable sound of pouring rain can be heard on the concrete outside. It's barely even chilly but I'm thankful for all my blankets as I pull them up under my chin. The T-shirt I wore to bed last night barely covers my thighs and small goosebumps form on my legs. It's weird and totally unexplainable how the rain makes everything feel better. It reminds of myself I guess. Makes everything around it dark, makes the happy people sad and stops people playing golf. Everything looks healthier and prettier and I guess I like the rain because it makes the dying world look like it's not. It gives us humans that are slowly killing the only earth we have a moment to convince themselves they are not. I wish the world wasn't dying, I wish everything in the world wasn't dying but most if all I wish everything inside myself wasn't dying.

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