Hating Him

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5 Nov 2014
I'm afraid to cry because what if the tears never stop.
I'm afraid to love because what if I get hurt.
It's scary to think that almost half the songs on my phone remind me of you. Each one holding some story of our past with each passing note. I'm scared that if I even put my music on shuffle the first cord of one of our not seen but heard time capsules will rip a hole in my heart all over again. It's fine though. I hate you now. I really do. I told you all my secrets, everything that troubled me. "I promise to help you through it" he said to me but he lied. Now I hate him and every time I see him I saunter past with my friends and maybe just maybe he will give me a second look and realise what he is missing. I am just so done with fake people. I have no time for them. I wish I could sort through everyone and find the good people.

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