What a Drama Queen Would Say

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7 Nov 2014
Q and I go on adventures. We pick a place to go and walk there laughing and talking getting to the crazy side of ourselves. It was on out way home from a long walk we decided to open up. My legs were tired and Q complained her feet were sore but we kept walking. Across the bridge, down the Main Street and onto the park. There's a little asphalt path that runs parallel to the parks fence and we were walking along it pine branches overhead and a shade clothed fence to our left park to our right. The path was cracked and I had recently started talking about my parents current divorcing situation because only a minute or two before we passed the back of the court house witch seems to be a familiar building to my mother. She has been called down there many more times than I can remember.
I thought it was only appropriate I tell Q about how I felt about the whole situation because I couldn't just joke about it all the time. I wanted to be honest. She's a very gorgeous trustworthy friend.
"I know this is what I drama queen would say... But since like my parents divorce I've had problems trusting people. I don't believe what they say" I forced out rather awkwardly but we kept walking concentration on moving our feet forward keeping up with one another.
"Since your opening up..." She started after a moment or two of silence "I think I should too" I smiled but didn't say anything because I was tired and I needed my energy to make it home. Q must of understood because she then continued to tell me "I know this is what a drama queen would say but the reason I'm so self conscious is because my dad used to say things to me and call me pretty but now he's gone." I smiled and thought about it as we strode along the path. I put a supportive hug around her shoulders and we kept walking. For a while after that we talked about life and important things. Sort of getting it all off our chest. The day was windy and my hair blew in front of my eyes every two seconds and I was sure my legs would fall off if I walked one step further but we pushed through the struggle and kept walking.

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