22 05 28

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3 Apr 2015
I don't think people realise why I am actually upset.
I want someone to care.
I used to think that if someone cared, the only thing they could care about was me.
But I just want someone to care even if it's just a little bit.
Because when I lay in bed shivering in the cold; curled up into a ball the only thing I want is somebody.
Usually I lay like that for hours and eventually I fall asleep.
When I strip away all of my confidence and humour I am actually so insecure.
I constantly compare myself to others and I want to know that someone out there thinks I'm the best.
That what I am; is what they need.
When I lay in bed alone the last thing I want to be is alone.
When I dream, it's of you.
Everything is perfect.
Disappointment fills me even when I sit up in bed with light filtering through my window and the smell of coffee is floating down the hallway.
I'm disappointed because I'm not considered important.
I'm not considered, period.
I'm sorry.

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