The Shack

31 1 0

28 Feb 2015
Walking all around the newly built fence line trying to find an opening to get through.
Eventually giving up and jumping the fence only to realise the 5 or so gates we had passed were all unlocked.
We hiked for an hour.
Hanging girlish posters in a shack that the local douches thought was a church for their disgusting ways.
Working together and bitching about people along the way.
I felt like we were actually doing something.
Not just sitting at home on my computer.
It may sound like a picture perfect escape and maybe I'm making it seem like that.
It really just 3 best friends walking through the boring green and brown bush and having a good time.
It's so good how I can be so close with them.
I can tell them anything.
Living is about finding the good people in this filth people call life and keeping them.
I guess if you hang around the bad people you become the filth and rot that drags others down.
I'm never going to put up with anyone putting me down ever again.
From now on I live my life how I want being friends with who I want and if anyone tells me different, they are dead to me.

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