Non stop

17 1 0

27 May 2015
I have everything I've ever dreamed if in this one moment.
I'm not sure if it's the movie I just watched or the Cola I just drank but I feel so happy.
I'm smiling and I can't stop, I wish this feeling was non stop.
I've got such amazing friends who are nice (most if the time) and support me in everything.
Then I have a totally annoying sister who is also like a more bitchy version of me.
School while it has it's down sides can also be fun at times.
So many opportunities are open for me.
Not even talking about school but life in general.
It's sounds so unlike me but I feel like I could have a chance at doing something good.
I want to make someone feel like I am feeling in this exact moment.
There's a lump in my throat, I feel nervous, excited and happy.
That's all without even glancing at homework.
Usually I would feel guilty.
And friendship.
That's the best two things in the whole world.
This whole chapter I can't stop smiling.
It's 10:44pm and I can't stop smiling.
Sue me if that's a problem.

Just a chapter about how I feel right now. It probably doesn't make sense but we will pretend it does for now.

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