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I don't remember the date 2014
I broke when I saw you.
The reason I run for hours at a time is because the burn in my legs hurts less than the ache in my heart.
The reason I read for hours at a time is because the characters are there for me now that you aren't.
The reason I'm so cold and angry is because being that way stops people getting too close to me.
The reason I sit alone and cry is because tears streaming down my face lets me know that this pain is real. You were my safety but now your the enemy. Everything is so mixed up and everytime I see you I look away although, I want to keep looking. I want to see if you look up or even give me glance with the slightest recognition. I want to see when your guard falls I want to see before you put it back up if you miss me or not. When I saw you I felt my guard drop. The walls I put up saying "I honestly don't care" and "he can do what he wants" just flew down and I looked you straight in the eye through the dirty glass. I don't know if you felt it too but the first time in ages I missed you. I want you to miss me too. I want you to hurt.

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