Chapter 64- Leave him alone

Start from the beginning

Ellena didn't want to talk much with this guy since that incident. Her trust was ruined and everything just jumped to a minus zero.

Whatever, she could not escape him. There was a suffocating bar deprived her will and freedom. He was like a king who sat on the throne and threw her a death punishment.

'So you have a right to tell me what to do and not?'

Joon smirked and stared at her in a no-expression way. Ellena was smothered with that sentence. She kept silence and gazed down her feet.

'Be fast! There are many things you need to see!' Joon urged and pointed her the seat next to him. There was hesitation in Ellena's eyes.

'C'mon or you'll regret for missing these fantastic events.'

The cold air dashed in her spine. Ellena trembled with fear. Still, she had no choice but followed him. His devilish smirk at the moment shook her courage away.


Ellena stared at the latest smart phone on her lap puzzlingly. She got it as soon as finished tighten the seatbelt.

'Check the video application and you'll see it in a first row.'

Joon expressed a cold tone and started up the machine. He face was so serious at this second.


Ellena's voice cracked in a stupor. Immediately, the phone fell off her small palm. She stared at Joon in disbelief.

Her body began shivering and her eyes rolled in fear. The tear brimmed over.

'Jo-Joon! Wh-what's this? What-what're you doing to my son and friend?'

Ellena gasped weakly as she saw Haru and Amy were kept in one closed room. They lied asleep on the bed and there were black suit guards standing like a statue next to them.

'That's my question. What're you trying to do, Ellena?'

Ellena kept quiet with this monotone. She held her hands shiveringly.

'You wanna ditch me again, don't you?'

Joon sped up which even suffocated Ellena more.

'Sorry then! Fortunately, I called Kris and he got no idea of his nephew being with him. Huh'

Joon scoffed and glanced at her.

'I've given you so much time to mess around, haven't I? So..' 

He touched the brake when they arrived the destination.


'I bet it's time to end this summer break.'

With his cold tone, Joon pulled Ellena out and gripped her waist close to him, though she fought to release so hard.

'Don't play hard to get with me, Ellena!'

Joon whispered and quick walked them inside that giant building.

'Why are you bringing me here, Joon?'

Ellena asked out as they were in an elevator. Her eyebrows tied with the disapproval of that big hand curling her ponytail.

'Aren't you familiar with this company, Ellena?'

Joon smirked and opened them one of the high-toned doors in this 25th floor. He pushed her to sit on a couch at the central then squeezed in.

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