Chapter 32- No more meddler

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Chapter 32- No more meddlers

Inside the room...

'Oppa, what're you doing??'

Ellena rubbed her head, seeing Leo pushed the board and pulled other furniture to block the door.

'Prevent when there is a meddler'


'Alright, no one gonna disturb us this time!'

Leo wiped off his forehead and smiled at the achievement.

'Euh, so how can we leave the room??'

Ellena didn't hear Leo's mumble, innocently asked out.

'Don't worry when the business is done, I'll clear them'

Leo turned back and smiled evilly. Ellena still didn't notice since her eyes were focusing on the door.

'Business?? What's business??'

Finally, she caught up the word while Leo climbed on the bed already..

'The unfinished task earlier~~'

Leo grinned sexily, meanwhile Ellena screamed out loud as her dress was dropped on the carpet. She didn't even know since when!!

'Ahhhhhhhhh!! If you strip down your jeans, I'll kill you oppa!!'

Ellena in the sheet thrashed around and tried to kick the person ahead away.

Somewhat, thing didn't go according to her wish again..




Leo lifted up from the pillow when a crack crak sound disturbed his sleeping time.

Rubbing his eyes, Leo sat up and stared at that small back whose owner was pushing thing over there.

'Jagi, what're you doing there?'

He lied on the bed and watched her interestingly.


'Your hands will get hurt. Come here, lying next to oppa!'

He waved his hand and tapped the mattress.

'Go away!!'

Ellena barked and continued her work, though her energy was only 35% right now.

Leo chuckled and kept teasing her.

'Nah, Didn't I tell you when the business is done, I'll bring them back'

'It's done!!'

'Not yet~~'

Leo got up, quickly walked to Ellena.

'Leo! I'm exhausted!!'

Ellena pouted as the squid hands ran on her skin again. She pushed the pinky lip away.

'Just this time, okay?'

'Stop fooling me! You also said the same thing hours ago! I don't believe you anymore! I can't even walk now!'

'Don't worry, I will carry you up~'

'Oppa! Stop playing! I need to pick Haru up! Get dressed and out now!!' Ellena got up but her waist was locked again.

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