Chapter 53- You and I

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  • Dedicated to All lovelies reading this :*

Chapter 53- You and I


Leo tapped a small figure who stuck to the gate, watching the flight.

Ellena flipped her back and gave him an unconscious smile.

'The plane took off an hour ago. Let's go back home! It's cold here.'

His eyebrows tied, wondering what happened with her.

Doesn't Haru just visit his grandparents? Why does she look this gloomy?

Covered her with his coat, Leo walked them to the car lot.



Out of nowhere, Ellena dashed into him with a tight hug.

'What's the matter, Elli?'

Rubbing her small back, Leo asked out.

'Nothing.. Let's be back our home'

She chinned up, giving him a bright smile.

A week later...


-ring ring ring ring-

-ring ring ring ring-

Ellena turned off her phone and dropped it on the floor with a deep sigh.

She turned to the side person who was still sleeping.

His breath was steady. His narrowed eyes were closing with that messy hair, he was so gorgeous.


Just like an angel popping up in the early morning.

Lying next to you with his warm existence..

Making sure that it was not one of your dreams..


Coz you could touch that fair flesh..

Coz you could comb that black silk..

Coz you could feel that warm lip..

And of course you could share the air with him..

Ellena leaned closer, studying that pale face.

Later on, she poked that fair cheek lightly.

She giggled with its softness.


Leo throated. Still, his eyes closed.

That strong arm stretched out and Ellena quick snuggled into his warm prison.

A chuckle burst out.

Ellena stuck her ear to that bare chest and quietly listened to his heartbeat.

It felt so good that she couldn't miss a single morning, lying next to him.

A deup dak sound echoed in her ear with a peaceful rhythm..

The moment was perfect..

She stayed still around five minutes then slowly got up and crawled to the bed corner.

Watching a sun lazily rose up through the wide mirror, Ellena dangled and sang out some random songs.

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