Chapter 21- Noona's attack

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Chapter 21- Noona's attack

Ellena trembled in the bathrobe with her big brown eyes glared at the broad back at the left.

' Babe, where're your clothes??'

Leo got up from the closet and tried to find her luggage.

' Emm..' Ellena paused for a minute and suddenly remembered that she had kept some outfits in the bag pack here.

' I..I sent them to the laundry. Oppa just bring your bag pack over there!'

' Ehh.. Haven't we had a washing machine too??' Leo frowned and got her a new dress.

' I'm a bit lazy at the moment hehe..'

Ellena gazed at Leo and tilted at the door but he still sat here causally.

' What??'

' Go out, I'm changing my clothes..'

' Just do it! I don't mind lah'

Leo shrugged and lied on the mattress which made Ellena wanna jump on his chest now!

' Oppa! Stop teasing me and wait outside pleaseee!! I'm serious!'

Leo smirked and stopped provoking her, he got up and messed that wet hair but before the door closed...

' I've seen it all...already'


@the living room..

Leo sat on the sofa and watched his favorite football match while eating some breads he bought earlier.


The thick eyebrows tied when the familiar bottle was placed on the mirror table coming with two empty glasses.

He bit the biscuit and gazed up the pretty face of a woman ahead.

Ellena opened the cork then poured the pure liquid  and drank it all in a second.

With his jaw dropped, Leo stared at Ellena like a migrant from Neptune as she finished two bottles of soju in two minutes. 

' Ehh, what're you doing??'

He quickly grabbed her hands as she reached the 3rd and 4th bottles.

As he remembered Ellena detested any type of alcohol, even a soft drink she didn't even bother to sip nor try. But the thing in her hand at the moment shook his head a bit.

Leo gulped as that small hand pushed the beer in front of him.

' Let's have a party, oppa!!'

Leo sighed when Ellena's face had turned to red color already and she started smiling like a fool.

' No, you'd better go to bed now. Your condition's not good'

Leo refused and dragged her out of the living room.

Somehow, he didn't notice that Ellena secretly drank another bottle until his face was held and a soft red thing touched his lip.

' Herzzzz!! OxO'

Leo stupefied when a bitter liquid flew in his throat liked a shot.

After that, many empty bottles were thrown on the carpet in the living room.

Present time....

' Emmmm..' The sleepyhead throated and kicked the blanket away when she felt hot and sweaty. She moved to the right side which made Dami widened her narrowed eyes.

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