Chapter 14- Third Person

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Chapter 14- Third Person

' LEO!!!' Ellena twisted her head when there was red liquid spread over the water.


' Mama!!' Haru cried when Ellena suddenly fainted in front of him. He didn't know what to do now, besides trying to wake her up.

' Teacher, please help my mommy!' He turned to a young lady who was doing the first aid. She wiped off Ellena's sweat and fanned her until those slender fingers jerked.

' Madame, Are you feeling better?' The teacher quickly helped Ellena sat up. She wanted to stand up again, though her condition was not that good.

' I'm okay. Thank you, haru's teacher' Ellena smiled weakly at that young lady. Just then she realized Haru was not here anymore, her heart beat faster with the second leave.

' Haru!!' Ellena called out loud when the little figure was not in her sight.

' Ahjusshi.. Ahjusshi!! Please help finding my Papa!! He's still in there!! Please get him safe and sound!! I'll do whatever you want. Please save my Papa!'

At the corner, Haru was shaking one of the rescue members and did the same to the rest of a group. Everyone around there looked at Haru pitifully and admired his concern toward his daddy. They then together helped scanning the sea and lighting up the torches over since the sky was dark now.

Seeing Haru was soaking and ruined, Ellena immediately cuddled him in her chest. She was afraid he might have got a fever.

Just then, Ellena told herself not to be weak since everyone was helping her. She stood up and wiped off her face.

Tear couldn't bring Leo back! Instead she should have strengthened her mind and helped other finding him.

She couldn't be a crying baby anymore she became a mother already. Ellena tried to lower her gasp from crying and patted Haru's back.

' Sweetie, go inside! You'll get sick' She carried Haru to a tent and quickly dressed him new clothes.

'Papa will be okay! He'll be found!' She didn't know whether she was comforting Haru or herself right now..

Just her knee went shaky again..

' Mama, look!! The uncles are carrying someone!!' They together ran toward the crowd and struggled to get inside.

' Oppa!!!' Ellena knelt down when a pale face of someone appeared in her eyes.

His unconscious body tore her apart , his lips went purple and trembled due to the coldness of the sea.

Ellena quickly did rescue breathing and the CPR.

Her tear rolled down when that used-to-be-warm lips became freezing cold and his skin condition also switched to dark purple.

' Please.. Wake up, babe!!' She whispered at that soft lip then continued the first aid many times till she couldn't breathe herself well.

' I'll marry other man and fly back to France if you don't get up!!'

Ellena tapped on his chest continually and cried her lung out when the rescuer told her his heart didn't pound anymore.

Like a miracle, the lying figure choked himself and tried to sit up.

-Keck Keck Keck Keck-

Ellena chinned up from that wide chest as the body below twisted and there were drops of water on her head.

Mr. Papa ::vixx fanfic::Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu