Chapter 20- Bad luck!

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Chapter 20- Bad luck!

Ellena stupefied for a second but quickly refrained the guy holding her in arms and his Venus imagination as well!!

How came she has a fetus at this moment?? Did he think she got aborted???

Omo!! Why did people around her often have this kind of thinking?? They scared her to death lahh!

' Oppa!! It's just a cut !! I scratched with the broken glass earlier!! I'm not pregnant!!' Ellena yelled out as Leo had already reached the kitchen and she really wanna slap her mouth with the last word!!

Pregnancy!?? Oh my!! Why did she think of this thing too?? >0<

' Huh??' Leo stalled his movement and gazed down the woman in his hands.

' It's just a cut...' Ellena lifted up her shirt and pointed at her new wound.

' So you're not pregnant??' She scowled when Leo sighed and pouted at the same time.

' Ne..' Ellena answered, though she wasn't really sure too. However, his next sentence made her wanna jump off his hands.

' And why don't we make it comes true? Now okay?'

She immediately refrained his lowered face and wore a painful look.

' Oppa, wake up! I'm bleeding at the moment!' She cuddled her stomach and sobbed silently again.

' Oh my! We should go to hospital then! Calm down please. Oppa'll bring us there in a minute!' Leo grabbed the car's key and ran out this time.

' No!! Don't go to hospital!!!' Ellena shook her head and grabbed Leo's arm tightly.

' Just clean me the wound here, oppaa'

' But-'

' It's just a small cut lah. Because I'm an AB type that's why the blood is hardly stopped. Don't go to the hospital nah!'


' Nah nah oppa nah, I'm afraid of the syringe'

It was true! Since that dreadful incident, Ellena got scared of a needle but the biggest problem was Kris!

He would wait out there with his group! She had tried so hard to escape from his prison and wanted her to live under his control like before??

No way!! She hated princess's life!! Just a normal life with her lovely people was enough for her!

With this plan, she had lost her suitcase..

In order to drag Haru away from Kris, her luggage was kept to be his hostage.

She told Kris Haru needed to go to school and he wanna ride them. But she refused and claimed that she had to buy something.

Kris allowed as he thought she couldn't run away since her stuff was in the car but thing didn't go this easy when Ellena sneaked out of his sight and ran for her life untill she made some luckless events back home, including got chased by that scooby doo and slipped in the garbage bin with this cut as a gift.

Such a bad day!! -*-

Somewhat, she couldn't go out at this moment!! Even tomorrow or the following days, she should have stayed inside only for her safety!!

Whatever, who gonna pick up haru?? And if Kris spotted Haru??

Ellena sighed with this arise issue, though she had already told Haru what to do.. She still got scared of it..

Hope Kris would not know Leo..

Or they two met up in this short time..

Just let her found a new solution first and she would bring them to meet up later!

But not now please!! She had many things to do..

' Emm.. Alright! But tomorrow you have to meet the doctor, okay?' The soft voice woke Ellena up and those long legs changed their direction.

' But oppa-'

' No! No excuse and no mercy! You'll get scar and there's a trouble when you are pregnancy!'

What!?? It was not B.A.P lah!! Anyway, why was the word ' Pregnancy' being stated again??

Didn't she tell him the exact thing earlier?? -0-

Leo carried Ellena back to the bedroom and sought the first aid box.

He brought a warm water and cleaned off the blood.

To his surprise, the cut was about 1 cm in length..

Damn!! Why did the blood come out in this large amount too?? I was screwed up!

Leo applied the band-aid, finishing the treatment. He scanned her whole body for another scratches were on her skin or not.

' Oppa, there's no more >///<'

Ellena grabbed that big hand off her jean's button and placed it in a far far and safe distance.

' Okay, but now tell me how did you get this look back home??' Leo lifted up that beautiful chin and forced Ellena to face him, at least the eye contact.

' Err...' Ellena hesitated and looked in those black pupils.

' Hmm??'

Leo took a new soaking towel and cleaned the dirt off her face gently while his eyes were still matched with her.

' I was chased by a big gang of this district (Kris) after walked Haru to school, then stumbled in the muddy puddle..'

' -0-'

' And didn't realize my leg accidentally kicked the meanie dog (Scooby doo) which made me ran so hard..'

' 0o0'

' Afterwards I slipped in the market bin (Which was full of glassy things) because of busied looking at my back..'

' o.O'

' And-'

' What!! It still has and??'

' T.T Yeahh, and I got scratched by the broken glasses in that bin..'

' Oh myyy!! Why did my babe meet these severe things??'

Leo exclaimed and shifted backward.

' Ne, so I should not go outside from now on! My body hurts so badddd..'

Ellena pouted and stroked her arms and legs in pain from escaping this whole morning.

' Oppa ahhh!!!' Ellena yelled out loud as Leo kept moving backward when she was approaching him and palmed his nose disgustingly.

' Nee??'

He jumped off the bed and stood at the corner which brought out Ellena 's tear. She whined and threw the pillows on Leo as he continued giving her that look.

One way or another,her body was lifted up in the sky at the next seconds. Ellena rubbed her eyes and gazed at the smiling face ahead.

' Omo, finally my jagi(Honey) becomes a woman~~'

Leo chuckled and nuzzled that red nose as well as Ellena's teary eyes.

' What!! You're teasing me?? Put me down!!' Ellena scowled and smacked that rock shoulder many times.

However, the small hands quickly wrapped around Leo's neck as she saw the bathtub ahead.

' Ani, let's play water war first~'

' Oppa, if you put me down, I'll kill you!!'  Ellena threatened when she got Leo's dark plan but her ban seemed to be useless. Coz her body was dropped in the big tub immediately and the shower came after.

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