Chapter 51- Your girlfriend?

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Chapter 51- Your girlfriend?

Leo watched Ellena made a bond interestingly.

'You look expert!'

'Just keep practicing!'

'With who?'

'Haru and sometimes Kris'

'When I was young, mother often taught me with the housework. She once said "At least you should know how to bind a tie then your husband will not leave you behind." Hummm.. Somewhat..'

Shaking her head, Ellena released a deep sigh.

'Elli ah, you've already tied me for lifetimes~ even glue me with you! Let's cover up the past and make the happiest family on top of it, okay?'

Cupping her face, Leo stroked her chubby cheeks softly.

-nod nod nod-

Ellena smiled and placed her palms on those warm back hands.

'We'll go see my parents this Saturday, agree? I'm not really good with marriage ceremony. Mother knows best!'

Holding her gasp, Ellena widened her eyes in surprise while Leo got lost in his wild imagine again.

She secretly wiped off her falling tear.

'Ne, you're going to be late oppa! Call me when you're off!'

She did a quick scan over his look then walked him to an entrance door.


Ellena lied down next to sleeping Haru with her deep sigh.

She stroked his soft hair gently and sang him a sleeping song as she thought he hadn't yet wakened up.

To her surprise, those big black eyes were staring at her innocently.

'Mama, how was the dinner?'

He puffed up and rolled close to her with his small arm embraced her waist.

Blinking many times, Ellena cuddled him back.

'Good! Your grandma also comes~ Wanna meet her?'

-nod nod nod nod- 

-shake head shake head shake head shake head-

She watched his sudden changed attitude curiously.

'What's it?'

'No, I don't want to! Grandma will bring me back! I don't wanna leave papa!'

Ellena sighed.

'Come in my arms, sweetie'

She extended her hands and Haru followed right away.

Rubbing his hair softly, Ellena cuddled him tight to her chest.

'Don't be a stubborn kid, okay? Listen to auntie Amy well. Mama will speed up the task.'

She kissed him on head as the days were so short.

'Ne, I will! Take care papa well, mama'

Haru nodded his head and tightened the hug.

'Take care yourself as well, mama! Haru want to see your bright smile again.'

He chinned up and smiled at her.

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