Chapter 61- Bad boy, good boy

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Chapter 61- Bad boy, good boy

'What's up with your face?'

He rubbed his hair confusingly. Just then he spotted bits of vomit on her collar.

'I'm uglyyyyy TT-TT'

Ellena sobbed which scared Leo to the moon. Not the matter concerned with her face but the fact she thought of her heath as a second major!

'Just be this ugly then no one gonna snatch you from me.'

Leo teased but just a second. His voice switched to a worried tone and that hand started checking her condition.

'Elli, you threw up again?' Ellena could not lie so she just nodded her head out.

'How do you feel right now? Let's meet the doctor!'

He grabbed her hand and pulled out. Ellena shook his elbow with a no answer.

'I'm okay, oppa! Just need more rest! Don't worry, it's just a sleep deprivation.'

Ellena lowered her voice and rubbed her tummy. Out of nowhere, those scary images of Leo dashed in her head. Her stomach grumbled.

Her eyes rolled over and ended up staring at her palm, a mummy one. She stayed quiet while stroking it lightly.

'Are you sure?'

-nod nod nod-

Leo gasped, noticing her trembling body. He clenched his fists, feeling regret of his actions.

'Then have a breakfast and take a rest.'

That big hand lifted her chin up and bussed her forehead.

With her mouth kept shutting, Ellena stared at the tall figure puzzlingly. She really didn't know what to do. He was different from yesterday, just like a Jekyll and Hyde.

'Come here, change a new dress.'

That tall figure sighed and pushed her back to the closet. Ellena closed her eyes in terror as Leo lifted up his hand. She thought he was going to hit her coz his eyebrows at the moment could be the substitute of shoelaces.

She waited but still nothing heavy smacked on her face. Ellena sluggishly opened her eyes when the mumble was playing on her head.

She gulped when someone's bare chest was ahead her with his hands checked the clothes.

'Elli ah, how can you wear these things?'

Leo frowned and continued muttering like a busy bee. 

'I really have no idea up until now. Let's go shopping when you get better.'

He throated in an unhappy way and grabbed a-quite-not-sexy dress one out there.

That big hand held her small wrist and walked her to the bathroom.

'No shower, okay? I sponged you already.'

-nod nod nod-

'Alright, I'll wait you at the kitchen.'

He smiled at her kitty behavior and combed her long black hair to the back. He rubbed her pale cheek compassionately and stepped out.


Ellena held his hand and stood on her foot.

Leo watched her small fingers buttoned his upper shirt with a warm smile. It was just a little thing but his heart felt like flying. It gonna explode soon.

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