Chapter 69- You're mine only

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Warning!! This chapter will cover some violent acts n' unexpected smut >< Sorry beforehand..


Chapter 69- You're mine only

Leo left the florist shop and smelled a bouquet of rose he prepared for his lovely wife. He felt bad, ignoring her this morning. Just because he was afraid she would discover his injury.

'Hmmm.. Not enough..' He murmured and took a look around this block. That pinkish lip spread a wide smile as a bakeshop was catching his eyes.

'Strawberry, please. Emm.. And topping should be fresh fruit.'

Leo took a seat, waiting for his order to arrive.

LOL It was his birthday and why did he buy the cake?

Shaking his head in disbelief, Leo checked the kids' photos he had downloaded some in his break time. He smiled with those chubby faces. He then turned on the WiFi to get more images. Randomly, he clicked on an article talking about pregnant women. He quick scrolled down when it turned to symptoms and the maintenance. Like a shot, he screenshot almost all the paragraphs. His brain tried to absorb this new knowledge while trying to figure out the math related with days.

His ten fingers twisted with his busy lip murmuring the plus, minus, multiply, and divide formula.

'Hmmm... There is no sanitary napkin in her drawer.. Emm.emm..'

Closing his eyes, Leo tried to remember the time he opened the closet whether he spotted that women's thing or not. But no..

He back to the article and reread these complicated sentences. He sighed and tried the visual aid instead. But damn!! What was this graph talking about?

Afterwards, he got dump and dumper with the illustration. With his blinking eyes and hopeless brain, he turned to a video clip which briefly described in details and understanding.

Just wanna know whether a woman got pregnant or not was this hard? -0-

'If you want to be clear and 100% correct, please visit a doctor.'

Leo stared at the lady on his phone's screen, saying the last sentence with his jaw hung open.

Damn! If it has to be this way and why did you make the video up to 30 minutes in length?

His hissed and got up when his order arrived.


Leo stalled with the sudden shopping bags dropping on his way.  Before he bent down to pick up, a loud pach of a palm meeting human's flesh, cheek, echoed in his ears. He quick stepped backward in surprise as a voice of woman yelled out.

'You—yo-you're hopeless!!! Go to HELL!!'

A tall and slim lady in red mini dress slapped a tall guy in a working suit on his face with her tear flowing down. She then threw him a bunch of lyly and rushed in to smack his shoulder. The guy just stood still with his head bent down.

Just then another tall man popped up and grabbed the girl away.

'Noona! Stop it!! Ken hyung!! You leave now!! I'll handle this!'

Ken? Leo stalled his hand from opened the car's door and had a look. But Ken had already disappeared in his benz.

'Ravi?' Leo murmured when another tall man hailed a taxi and pushed that woman in, following by him.

Mr. Papa ::vixx fanfic::حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن