Chapter 57- It hurts, my heart

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Chapter 57- It hurts, my heart


Ellena watched the tall figure scarily. She wanted to sorry and tell him something but he was quiet along the way, even in the car. She bit her lip in tension and closed the door.


The study's door was locked by someone. She sighed and decided to wait him in the living room. Ellena cuddled herself when a disgusting event earlier popped in her head.

She brushed away the touches forcefully. She detested herself...really disgusted herself at the moment. Her tear flowed off endlessly.

What should she do? Leo was in trouble!

She embraced her knees tremblingly.

She waited here, though there was no light of his presence in front of her. Since she had cried a lot, Ellena ended up being exhausted and fell asleep like a shot in her teary face.


Leo walked out of the room with a dark expression. His eyes' veins were bloody red. His jaw was rigid.

He glanced at the small figure lying on the couch. That big hand stretched out ahead the small crystals on her pale cheeks; yet took it back when his brain thought of something.

He got up and decided to walk away. Not even turned his back or carried her in the main room as always.

The big wooden door was being closed softly, leaving a sleeping beauty behind but there was a loud bang inside his head and heart.

A bang that shut all the hope and joy.

Inside the car..


Leaning on his driver seat, Leo had another beer.

He hated loud music..

He hated crowded place..

He hated being asked and stared by people in the club..

He hated driving while he was drunk..

Thus, gulped down some hard drinks in here was chosen.

He just needed a very quiet place..

He just needed no one to spot his shabby look..

He just needed to stay away from someone..

Coz he would explode, seeing her at this moment.

He would just do something stupid that he himself didn't intend to.

Closing his eyes, Leo let out a deep sigh. His left chest ached like hell as if someone was chopping it.

Leo gazed at his right seat where a brown envelope was heading out of his working bag. He winced in pain and threw that opened envelope away.

The document, he just noticed while driving to N's hotel. He let N drove coz he had got no feeling to remember the direction. It was a coincidence or not that.. his bag fell down and everything just spilt out..

Something he had left in that bookshelf was in his bag..

Just something cleared his eyes..

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