Writer's Note: Greeting and Q&A

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Hello guys!! So chapter 12 is survived!! Whoooooohhh~~ but it doesn't come to an end yet~~

I'm sill having fun narrating lol

Anyway,since the beginning I haven't yet greeted nor said any hi to you lovely reader *sorry*

Thus, I made up this one! ^^

The fact is I'm not that talkative so it's a bit hard to find the topic lol

Whatever, I'm glad to write this one as it's a small Q&A about you and me ;))

It's something I want to know about your feeling and comment toward this story in this far chapter.

You can leave or answer any question then we can get start to know each other!!

Be friend as well~

Emmm.. And I'm 95' liner so nice to meet you~

Say hi to unnie or dongsaeng reader! ^^

I love to have lil/older sis as well! It feels good when someone calls you ' unnie/dongsaeng'

I'm kinda new in here though the date was Jan 2014, I've been active just these couple months..

So please look after me~ :))

Also thanks for your read, vote and comment!! They're motivating me and make my day, don't you know?

I've been wondering what the reader thinks of this fan fiction whether he/she likes it or not. I'm a curious type hihi ^^y

If you think it's nice, please keep reading, voting or leave out any comment. I love the feedback as well as you

So please leave some feedbacks for me to improve the things..

Anyway, Are you ready? Let's get start then! Here we Gooooo!! Hope you enjoy these simple 10 questions.. ^^

1. What do you think of this fanfic? It makes you laugh out loud or not? Describe your feeling if you want to.

2. Which part/scene/chapter you love the most?

3. Who's your favorite character? And why ?

4. What do you expect to happen in the next chapter?

-Out of Topic-

5. Which genres you favor?

6. You prefer one shot, fiction, fan fiction either short or long pages?

7. Do you want to create one? Which genres you want to write?

8. Which you prefer in narrating the story the first person or third one?

9. What type of characteristic you prefer for the main actor/actress ?

10. Do you have any hobby besides reading/writing?


So that's all! Is it fun?

One way or another, I love Q&A and been taking many of this test.

And if you wanna talk or know more about me, just follow, inbox or post on my wall! I don't bite people though I have sharp teeth :P

Again, thanks for read, vote and comment~ please keep doing it~ *wink*

Hope you enjoy this first greeting and have a nice day~

Pye pye~ :)))

Mr. Papa ::vixx fanfic::Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora