Bonus chapter: Leo and the twin Part 3

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Bonus chapter: Leo and the twin Part 3

The moment she unpinned him from her arm to lie on the mat, Tae ru in the flash hugging her neck and whined pitifully.

'Oh mox3, What're the matter, my boy?'

She faced him with an affectionate gaze. Tae ru pouted and rubbed his chubby cheek on her face with his arms clung around her neck.

'Mamma ekkkkk ekkkk'

Tae ru shed his tear and turned away from his bed. He pointed at that king size bed where his dad was lying there, watching them.

'Ohh, wanna sleep with Mama?'

Tae ru then shook his body in joy and pecked his Mama's face. Ellena laughed with his saliva.

'You feel lonely again, hmm?'

Let out a weak smile, Ellena kissed that chubby cheek many times when Tae ru lowered his face and leaned over her chest pitifully until a jub jub jub sound let out and made someone envied.

'Oppa, Did you let Tae ru play alone today?'

Ellena moved next to that tall figure with a little dinosaur cuddling her belly. He hugged Ellena so tight which worried her a lot since she could sense his feeling in a nature of mother.

'Emm.. He just disturbing the other. I guess Haru must have surrounded him with toys.'

Leo got closer and combed Ellena's hair gently. She matched eyes with him and released a deep sigh. She then stroked Tae ru's back and tapped his bottom for he would fall asleep sooner.

'I've told you, don't let Tae ru being alone. He's weak in emotion. He easily feels lonely.'

She beamed when Tae ru chinned up and gazed through her eyes. His big brown eyes reflected her face.

She kissed those tiny fingers when he touched her face. Tae ru burst out giggle.

'Really? This trouble maker?'

Leo exclaimed and got a close look of Tae ru's face and yeahh he received a punch!

'Oppaa!! I told you not to call him with bad nick name!! He's our son lah! And our kids are all good children!!'

Biting her lip, Ellena glowered at that bad mouth.

'Okayx3, Mr. Good guy Jung Tae ru~ ' Leo beamed and nibbled those chubby fingers when Tae ru was about to slap him.

Sighing, Ellena back to the previous topic.

'He's not a troublemaker. He's just calling for attention. As I've read in the book, those who cause problems just want people to care for them and look at them. All they want are love and attention from the surrounding. Since everyone doesn't spot their existence and just act like they're an atmosphere.

And our Tae ru is one of them. He tends to feel blue faster than the normal kid. He urges for much more affection than anyone else. Have you ever wondered oppa, why Tae ru's slower in learning how to talk and approach stranger than Hana? This kid is different lah! He tends to understand people's talk and have his brain working.'

Leo stalled for a second before nodded his head in an agreement. Why? Haru was an evidence for sure. Perhaps, Tae ru got angry that his big brother didn't play with him, that was why he created a chaos and everyone would surround him in a minute. He wouldn't feel lonely anymore. Bravo!! Leo's kid!!

'And that's why I'm asking you all the time to be nice with him and don't make him feel biased. I didn't mean you have to stop hanging around with the other two but please love them equally. Just give this good-at-being-envious boy with more affection.'

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