Chapter 35- Or kick these two away..

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Chapter 35- Or kick these two away..

'Omo, the food looks delicious!! Where did you order from, oppa?'

Ellena placed the seafood soup in front Leo, following by another menu for Kris and Haru.

'Around this district'

Leo answered but his eyes still fixated on Kris.

Finding these two didn't talk back as always, Ellena turned to Haru and fed him and herself.

Ellena glanced at these guys. A warm air breathed out when Kris and Leo grabbed the spoon and ate quietly.

No one knew what happened between them.

But something went wrong with the table. Ellena gazed at the trembled wooden object interestingly.

'Mama, the bowl is about to drop down!' Haru pointed at the dish that incredibly slipped to the corner.

Just then a loud moan released.

'Ouch!! You cheater! How came you use both legs!?'

Kris held his ankle in pain with his hand pointed the snob ahead.

'Babe, I want more rice'

Leo ignored and turned to his wifey.

'Ne, Err.. Kris, you want too or not?'

Ellena stretched out her arm at the empty plate of her step-brother.

'Why not'

She got back. Ellena fixated her eyes on these two who glowered at one another like a prey. A fierce lightning and thunder were clapping some times.

'Mama, why are uncle and papa staring each other all this time?'

Haru leaned over, whispering Ellena.


Two empty plates knocked the table in a second with two tall figures stood up.

'I'm done eating/I'm done eating'

'Why did you follow me?/Why did you repeat after me!?'






Both of them growled at one another before rushed out of the kitchen.

Kris was getting sick of Leo's face while Leo felt disgust of the fact Kris was staying here tonight.

They then squeezed in the small exit. As they were both tall man and had got big body, no one could go out.

'Yah! Why are you wedging me!?' Kris barked then pushed Leo aside but he didn't budge.

'It's you who follow me all this long!'

Leo talked back with his hands forced Kris back to the kitchen.

'You brat, let me out first! Step backward!'

Kris stuck to his ground and clutched the nearby object to support himself from slipping backward. His hands, meanwhile, tried pushing Leo to the old place.

'No, I go first!'

Leo rejected and continued pushing the opponent.

'I said step backward!!'

'I told you I go first!!'

'You buffalo, stop pushing!!'

'Stop yourself first, hippopotamus!!'








'('o')??' <—- Haru at the moment

'(ll-_-||)' <— Ellena *Face palm*

The mommy and son stared at the tall guys ahead in confusion.

None of them lost or stepped backward for another one. They wished to go out as a first person and kept pushing each other since then. Until Haru and Ellena finished the meal.

Ellena shook her head and told Haru to gather the dishes to the sink.

She sighed then headed to these troublemakers. Their body went sweaty at the moment.

'Stop please, people!'

Ellena cut off their argument and quick pulled them out.


'Do this! And no one is in a second rank!'

She switched them to face each other which widened the space.

As fast as she could, Ellena pushed them out of the kitchen.

'But we'll be the first!'

Ellena held Haru's hand and walked pass the statues beside.

@Living room..



Leo stretched out his arms and legs as soon as Kris was about to sit on the sofa.

This asshole!! Just wait after this week pass by! And you're gonna be dead meat!

Kris glowered then rested on the carpet instead.

Afterwards, he shifted to Haru who was doing his homework. He bent down and watched Haru writing something.

'What're you doing, my son?'

Leo frowned. He glanced at that amber head irritatingly.

What did he just call Haru? He is my son only! Who the heck he thinks he is!?

'Emm.. I'm doing the speaking contest teacher gave us this evening. The topic is about family'

Haru scowled and rubbed his hair curiously.

'What's up, my prince?'

Kris asked out, spotting that shin chan frown.

'What's family, daddy?'

Kris paused for a moment as well as Leo who was about to walk this way.

'Emmm..' Kris rubbed his head helplessly.


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