Chapter 49- Mama, I'm afraid

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  • Dedicado a To all my lovelies reading this ;]

Chapter 49- Mama, I'm afraid

'I'll go. Father won't make thing become bigger.'

Ellena sighed, imagining of the scary meeting she finally had to deal with.

'Sorry, Elna..'

'It's not your fault. I can do things by myself. Don't worry, brother!'

Ellena gave him a light smile then brought out a new topic.

'And you go pack your stuff now?'

'Emm.. But our deal remains.. Next week..'

Kris gazed at her and Haru at the back who was talking phone with his dad.

'Papa ah, Haru buy your favorite chocolate cake~ Ani, Mama paid for it~ You're at home, right?'


'Okay, we'll be there in a minute! Pye pye~'

He kissed the screen then handed it back to Ellena.



Ellena helped Kris prepared his suitcase while Leo was busy with the cake.

'Ah, why does that noona give away the candles? It's not a birthday cake!'

Haru frowned as he saw a small box with colorful candles inside.

'Eh eh, bring it here, Haru'

Leo stalled that chubby hand and put some candles on the cake.

'Your birthday is today, Papa?'

'No, not for me! This is for your uncle who gotta leave today~ let's throw him a congratulation cake'

Smiling, Leo fired the lights.

At the same time, Kris did all his business and was about to leave.

'Hey, come to blow off the candles first!'

Waving his hands, Leo stood up and placed the cake ahead Kris.


'Papa throw you a leaving party~'

Haru's second position was an interpreter.

'Congratulate for Hippopotamus is going back to his place'

Smirking, Leo jerked his eyebrow teasingly.

That annoyed Kris to the Mar.

Snarling, he stepped forward and was ready to squeeze someone's neck.


Ashhfgjkkhgko!! This jerk argggggggggggggg!!! My head arghhhh!! I bet my heart's vein gotta explode soon if staying with this buffalo longer!!

'Krisss! I found your wallet!'

Out of nowhere, Ellena appeared in a hallway and cut off his murder scene.

Innocently, she dragged him to the entrance door with a smiling face.

'I'll walk you down~'


Her wrist was clutched by a firm hand, later on her body was pulled backward.

'No need to go! Just say him goodbye here!'

Mr. Papa ::vixx fanfic::Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora