Chapter 33- When a spoiled kid and crying baby meet up ( Round 3)

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Chapter 33- When a spoiled kid and crying baby meet up ( Round 3)

'Yah!! What're you doing!!??'

Kris yelled out loud, seeing the arrogant bastard was on his princess!! In the living room!! He dared to touch his sister in this public place??!!

Oh gosh!! What had he done before he came??!! What happened if he didn't walk in this minute!!??

Kris bit his lip aggressively. He speeded the steps then separated them apart.


Leo growled when someone meddled his business again, even Ellena stalled her laugh with the tickle of Leo on her waist earlier.

'K-Kris o.O'

Her big brown eyes widened with the fierce gaze of her dearest brother. He glared at Leo and grabbed him nearer.

'Ah hem. You arrive, brother!?' Ellena cleared her throat but her eyes were fixed on Kris's hand and started giving him that goosebumps look again.

Frowning, Kris let gp Leo's collar and patted his pant as if he was touching a vomitus.

He even stepped away from Leo three meters like there was a fire right here. Kris had to shut his mouth and concealed his anger earlier when Elna pulled Leo behind her back and scanned him from toe to head again.

'You bring a suitcase??' Ellena exclaimed as she noticed the black feather thing, lying there.

'Yeah, I have to stay here for a week by the way'

'Who let you stay—'


Ellena turned to Leo and gave him a stare while reminded him their promise though that gaze.


Leo exhaled angrily and fell on the sofa, turned on the tv.

'Hey, you block my sight!!'

'Yah, I'm standing at the corner!! How come I block your damn eyes!!??'

'Don't you see it's the giant LCD!! The screen has to be this wide!! And your hippopotamus size clear away my favorite channel!!'

'You bastard!! My body is called a model man lah!! And I'm not that fat too!!'

Kris refused and raised his shirt up for the evidence.


'Move a side!! As long as it's not Elli, don't show up your ugly disgusting thing around here! If you want to stay!!' Leo threw Kris a pillow until he tilted to the left.

'Yahh, you buffalo!! Wanna die!! Envy that I get a nicer body then you, huh!?'

'So loud here, shut up!! I'm watching TV!! At least I have got six packs, satisfy??'

'You?? Liar!! With this skinny look? You eat enough rice or not??'

'Why do I have to answer whatever beggar asking to stay in my house too? I'm skinny or not don't even get on your nerves unless you wanna woo me!!'

'You son of sh*t!! Don't be too imaginative!! Even if there were only you on the earth, I would not even look at such a bastard!'

'What!! This pick-up line is out-of-dated!! Go find a new one! Chuss chuss chuss!!'

'You &%$&())*&%)—\fd'



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