Chapter 52- No matter what happens, please always stay by mama side..

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  • Dedicated to All lovelies reading this :)

Chapter 52-  No matter what happens, please always stay by mama side..

@the study..

-Knock knock knock knock-

'Come in'

Leo allowed as he leaned over the armchair, relaxing.

Ash, many works to finish!

He sighed then stared at the slight opening door.

Just then, a smile spread on Leo's face, noticing his little boy in his pooh pajamas holding a book in his left hand as his right was grabbing the doorknob.

'What's up, Haru?'

Haru pushed the door wide and ran climbing on Leo's laps.

'Papa ah! Read Haru this bed story please~ Mama falls asleep already.'

He flipped the pages and showed the picture.

'Oh, okay. Wait, papa arrange this folders first.'

Having done the stuff, Leo carried Haru in arms and walked them to the main room.

Ellena was sleeping like a log at the corner. She looked tired!

Covering her blanket, Leo laid Haru next to Ellena but he sat up and crawled to the right side.

'Papa in the middle this time!'

Haru pushed his dad beside his mom then handed Leo a book.

'And they live together with a happy ever after. The end!'

Leo lifted up with a smile, seeing that naughty son closed his eyes already.

However, his chubby arms were clinging onto him with his legs on top of Leo's stomach.

He sleeping habit is showing up again!

Shaking his head, Leo turned to another side.

Ellena shifted next to him since when?

Leo stretched out his hand to turn off the light then threw himself to the dreamland as well.

Within darkness, Ellena opened her eyes and stared the wide ceiling up there.

Let out a deep sigh, she extended her arm and hugged Leo tightly.

Rubbing her face on his warm chest, Ellena gripped his slender fingers.

She listened to his heartbeat quietly.

Some crystal liquids rolled down those pinkish cheeks.

She afraid...

On the day...


Haru clung to Ellena's stomach with his teary face.

That hurt Ellena so bad. She carried him up and tapped his back lightly.

'My best kid. Don't cry. Mama will take you back.'

She sighed, trying to hold her tear as Haru started whining inconsolably.

Just yesterday they were having much fun, going to the amusement park again and traveling around the city.

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